Professional Harassment Artist Taylor Lorenz Banned from Twitter

Taylor, check the mirror! Your jowls seem to be ready to drip off of your face! Quick, put the mask back on!
Cover those jowls! Ain’t nobody wants to see it!

Previously: Elon Says Journalists No Longer Allowed to Dox People on Twitter

The professional social terrorist and low down dirty dog Taylor Lorenz has been banned from Twitter, apparently permanently.

She announced the ban on a livestream Saturday night.

She was broadcasting on TikTok from a party and logged off quickly after looking at the comments, where she was being attacked.

Lorenz claims that she only had 3 tweets on her account – two promoting other social media and a third asking Elon Musk for comment on various Twitter bans. She says that she was not doxing anyone at the time she was banned.

Lorenz is a professional doxer and censorship activist, having made a career out of hunting people down and trying to destroy their lives and get them banned from everything if they disagree with liberal/Jewish orthodoxy. She is a particularly hilarious figure, as she skips the whole “moral outrage” part of demanding people are banned and/or doxed. She more or less openly admits that ruining people who disagree with Jews is an exercise of raw political power.

Lorenz was recently demanding that Apple ban Twitter from the app store to punish Elon for allowing people to have slightly more freedom of speech on the platform.

Needless to say, Lorenz has put herself in a position where it is impossible for her to have legitimate complaints about censorship. However, she is whining anyway.

Although I think it is funny to censor the censorship activists, I generally disagree with permanently banning someone like Lorenz if she is following the rules. Elon’s new rule about doxing makes it effectively impossible for her to operate on Twitter, given that he has also banned journalists from linking to doxes. This means that she will be unable to link to her articles on Washington Post. Journalists typically use Twitter for sharing their articles.

It seems to me that Elon should have let her operate on the site, and simply given her week or month long bans when she violated rules about doxing.

Permanently banning people like Lorenz gives credibility to leftist narratives about how Elon is not promoting more freedom of speech, but simply censoring the left and his critics.

Lorenz is a psychopath who has purposefully tried to hurt a lot of people. As we covered yesterday, she intimidated and lied to a talent agent, Ariadna Jacob, in order to convince her to give her her home address, which Lorenz then published to try to encourage acts of violence to be committed against the woman.

That is really, really bad behavior, and it is truly amazing that the Washington Post endorses this kind of abuse of the public.

However, just as Elon is giving back all of the accounts that were banned by the previous Twitter regime, it seems to me that he should not ban anyone for things they did under the previous Twitter regime.

This is not a defense of Lorenz, obviously, but a defense of Twitter.

Lorenz admitted that she deletes all of her tweets, so it is possible that she posted something yesterday that got her banned. Obviously, Twitter staff can see whatever she deleted. If that is the case, that’s better, but even so, I don’t think she should be permanently suspended.