Pureblood New Yorkers Leaving City for Florida by the Tens of Thousands, Escaping Vaccine Mandates

This is all a part of the plan.

I don’t think the plan is going to work, mind you. But the conservatives analyzing this situation and saying they are screwing up are not precisely correct. As of right now, the overlords still think what they’re doing makes sense.

They are trying to cleanse the ranks of their institutions and their cities of people who refuse to submit to the vax. The vax is the purity test, to ensure that someone is on board with the system.

The fact that science has already admitted that the vaccine doesn’t really work at all makes it even better. You have to say “I believe it works even if it doesn’t, and I’m willing to risk death or terrible health consequences in order to demonstrate that I believe.”

It’s sort of interesting that The Guardian is playing this 100% straight without blaming QAnon conspiracy theories and so on:

Deysia Padilla’s family thought she was at work. Instead, she spent last Thursday afternoon unloading a mound of orange and pink baby socks in a sunny South Bronx laundromat – one-by one, in all their three-inch glory. She had 48 hours to consider an impossible choice: either get vaccinated or lose her job.

Padilla is one of thousands of unvaccinated New Yorkers affected by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s ultimatum last week. Not only do city employees face the reality of losing their jobs, but without a shot, they’ll even forgo unemployment payments. Some unvaccinated Bronx natives would rather pursue a life outside New York City than be forced to take the vaccine.

I feel like my dream is being shattered by the government,” said Padilla. “I’m being taken out of my home.” The 25-year-old mother had plans to become an art teacher one day. Now, she’s considering moving to Florida with her husband and three-month-old baby.

A pandemic-induced population shift to Florida – sometimes called the city’s sixth borough – is already under way. As of March, more than 33,500 New Yorkers permanently relocated to Florida – up 32% from the same period in the previous year. Experts say people flocked south for looser Covid restrictions, affordable housing, and access to in-person schools.

The New York Times would say “experts say the exodus was fueled by QAnon conspiracy theories which have flourished as Facebook refuses to remove them.”

The Guardian is an extremely liberal paper, but they simply do not approach the level of disinformation that you see in American papers.

Most unvaccinated Bronx residents don’t fit neatly into the anti-mask, anti-vaccine framework that has spread nationally, according to Andrew Rasmussen, associate professor of psychology at Fordham University. The Bronx is still nursing its wounds after being hit tragically hard by the deadly virus – with the highest rates of hospitalizations, deaths and unemployment in New York City.

In the Bronx, where median per capita income in 2019 was $21,778 – over three and a half times lower than in Manhattan – 70% of the population works in face-to-face or essential jobs. Even now, people wear masks – sometimes two – while walking outdoors. Many are still nervous to shake hands with people outside their family. Building custodians diligently stroll the sidewalks, spraying Clorox.

People are wearing double-masks, being really careful, but the vaccination rates in the neighborhood are still very low,” said Rasmussen. “That suggests that there’s something else going on there.”

Still, it is not unusual to hear Bronx residents voice more concern about the vaccine than the virus it is administered to prevent.

“I worry about the virus, but more importantly, I worry about the vaccine,” said Kelven Esbenel, 24. Six weeks ago, he started work at an Amazon fulfilment center in Staten Island, only to learn that the company may start requiring vaccinations under Biden’s new mandates. Now, he said he ponders a life in Connecticut, leaving his vaccinated family members behind.

“​​Overusing heavy-handed mandates that threaten people’s livelihoods is seen as cruel,” said Tom Sheppard, who serves on the city’s elected Community Education Council and is co-founder of Bronx Parent Leaders Advocacy Group, in a tweet. “You may even mean well, but doing it this way erodes trust instead of building it.”

Padilla looked up from the mound of socks that day. “It’s gonna get ugly,” she said. “I’m telling you.”

Again: this is all part of the plan.

It will go wrong. The plan cannot work. But when conservatives say “the vax mandates are backfiring” – this is wrong.

They want these people out. They only want those who are submissive in their organizations, and in the case of super-liberal, super-Jewish cities like New York, they want purebloods to be physically removed from the city.

They are purposefully building a two-tier society. This is on purpose. It’s not a backfire.

That’s important to understand. Because I see a lot of people saying “backfire.”

As a separate matter, the plan will not work. But this is the plan.