Donald Trump is still really popular.
The problem is, no one knows what Trump is saying because he’s banned from everything.
Bitch nigga Antonio Gonzalez is pussying out after voting to impeach Trump.
See my full statement below regarding my decision not to seek re-election. pic.twitter.com/vsggxjD1FI
— Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (@RepAGonzalez) September 17, 2021
Apparently, it’s impossible for a Republican to get reelected after voting to impeach Trump.
No politician ever does anything “because they believe in it.” At least not since Ron Paul.
So you wonder why the man would destroy his career like this.
I really like the website opensecrets.org that keeps track of campaign finances.
Let’s check in on this Cubano.
That’s all just banks and insurance companies.
And…. jelly.
There was a time in my life when I used to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Then I learned that peanut butter was invented by a nigger. I’m such a racist that I cut out the whole sandwich from my life.
Remember the story in the Koran, when Muhammed said that Gabriel told him to tell people to stop drinking alcohol, and people started forcing themselves to vomit up the alcohol they just drank?
Well, I was eating a peanut better and jelly sandwich when I found out blacks invented peanut butter and so I forced myself to vomit it up. My wife told me she wasn’t cleaning up that peanut vomit, so I smashed the jar of peanut butter over her head and filed for divorce.
No, I’m just joking. I love black people and I am really proud of them for inventing peanut butter. It was their biggest achievement since building the pyramids at Giza.
I stopped eating sandwiches because of the paleo diet that I was brainwashed into.
I’ll bet Gonzalez puts Smuckers grape jelly in his tacos. What a sick man.
I imagine Gonzalez was offered some job for attacking Trump. We should remember to follow him and find out what job he takes.