Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2015

One of the funniest parts of the whole White Student Union media storm so far was the description of us given in The Daily Beast.
Descriptions of us by liberals are always funny – like senile old men at the VFW hall in the 1960s trying to explain the LSD revolution. But this one was especially funny.
Kelly Weill writes:
These White Student Union accounts are fake—or at least, the on-campus clubs they claim to represent are. Racist trolls from message boards 4chan and 8chan, and the white supremacist website Daily Stormer, fabricated the Facebook pages in an attempt to create racial tension on college campuses.
“NRx” is shorthand for “neoreactionary,” a person who subscribes to the neoreaction, or “Dark Enlightenment,” movement. This school is far from unified, but subscribes to a loose collection of far-right ideologies: a rejection of “political correctness,” a yearning for religious and political authoritarianism, a return to medieval gender roles, and the open practice of white supremacy.
8chan, a message board that rose to prominence after some users dismissed 4chan as too censoring, loves NRx. Many 8channers subscribe to the NRx theory that the world is on the verge of a massive societal collapse, one that should be actively encouraged. The end game for these users is race war, revolution, and the installation of a leader like Donald Trump, whose picture appears at the bottom of every 8chan thread.
“We will live to see a major world war,” one 8chan user wrote in the thread on White Student Unions. “We will live to see a major economic collapse. We will live to see the Day Of The Rope,” they added, alluding to a day of widespread racial violence.
This metaphor I just came up with is very good, I think.
I of course do not support the 1960s love revolution, but the level of confusion that men and women born in the late 1800s would have felt seeing clips of Woodstock on TV is the same level of confusion these liberals feel when seeing our websites.
Calling us “neo-Nazi White supremacists” is equivalent to the hippies being called “long-haired communists.”

It isn’t really a very good or accurate description, but they have to use it because it is the only one they are capable of making sense of.
The basic concept of something being both funny and serious at the same time is beyond them, which is why they are constantly stumbling over “are they trolls, or are they actually Nazis????”
Our thinking is so much different than theirs that they become terminally confused when trying to process it. All of our ideas are so fresh and revolutionary, that when they try to simplify them, they come up with “they have a plan to start a race war so they can make Donald Trump their leader.” It isn’t necessarily exactly wrong, but it is awkward and weird, betraying a total inability to comprehend who and what we are.