Red State Blog Totally Surrenders, Giving the GOP to the Alt-Right!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 20, 2016


We won, brothers.

The cuckservative blog Red State has offered a full and conditionless surrender, handing over the entire Republican Party to the Alt-Right.

Bask in it.


As soon as I saw this tweet back in October, I knew it was over.

The article is written by one Brandon Morse, but it had to have been approved by the cuck Erickson himself, and thus represent his own position. He’s been huddling non-stop with Jew Kristol trying to plot a third party to force a Hillary win.

Presumably, the reason they didn’t offer conditions of the surrender is that we already gave them the three things they wanted to keep:

  1. Open-borders multiculturalism
  2. Free trade
  3. Endless wars for Israel

They can now go on to create their own party, free of all the restraints of Donald Trump. I suggest calling it “The Multicultural Israeli-Globalism Party.”

Red State:

As they repeatedly like to tout, the new Republican party is made up of those identifying themselves as the “alt-right.” It’s a new right-wing that looks nothing like a right-wing, and its makeup consists primarily of Trump cultists.

I wish I was just being hyperbolic when I use the word “cultist,” but I’m not sure I am.

The takeover was definitely hostile, and it caused a mass exodus of conservatives putting as much distance from themselves and the party as possible.

The Jewish power structure is the definition of hostility.

It required a hostile response.

Cry about it, faggots.

The alt-right, as they will tell you, is only too glad to take credit for our departure.


Interestingly enough, however, as the alt-right brags about chasing us out, they simultaneously rage at us for leaving. They’re significantly weaker for our absence, and they know it will likely cost them the election. Still, they can’t bring themselves to make peace. Instead they lie, or attempt to coerce us with false promises into coming back. The idea is to make us submit, not agree.


Do you have a link?

The only thing we’ve raged about is your attempts to get confused voters to support Hillary and/or a third party candidate that will get Hillary elected. We most certainly want all of you cucks and kikes out of our Glorious New Republican Party.

The party was weak. Even its victories during midterms didn’t seem to halt its backslide, and even then, those victories could be attributed in part to reactionary voting against the extremist that was in the White House.

This weakness was further demonstrated with the way the alt-right waltzed in and overtook it on behalf of an authoritarian reality show host, with the help of news outlets consistently touted by both the left and right as friendly to conservatism. These are the same people who sold us books, and stood on stages and behind podiums, telling us how important it is we fight for freedom and the constitution. Now they bend knee to a man who values neither, and wonder why we won’t.

Blah blah blah ideology and values – still undefined.

No one cares about this jibber-jabber rhetoric, cuck. And no one is willing to continue to pretend they have any idea what you’re even talking about.

So if you ask me, the alt-right can have it. I don’t want to be in a party that was so ready to roll over for white supremacists, and who are following a man who likes to retweet them.

And this is why you’re a “cuck,” cuck.

You refuse to defend the interests of your own people, and instead white knight for non-Whites and Jews. For no reason anyone can even explain.

I’m happy to leave a party that consists of people who are only too ready to hand over power, in a free nation mind you, to a man seeking it, and defend “Glorious Leader” with so much vigor that North Koreans think they should tone it down. Especially when some of these people are throwing the term “cuck” at those who won’t vote Trump because then the white people won’t win.




But most of all, I’ll gladly walk away from a party which consistently proves that it’s a loser. It’s a party that holds up a guy who has consistently polled south of Hillary Clinton, the most unlikable candidate to pass through the DNC in recent history. We had some amazing candidates this go round, and it chose the man who takes conspiracy theories seriously.


White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™ 2016-05-20

Just shut the hell up, you disgusting, lying faggot.

The alt-right’s initial call was to burn it all to the ground. They succeeded. It’s burnt. Let them roll in the ashes and pretend they’re winners.

We’re dancing on the ashes, bitch.

And from these ashes, we will rise.

All this to say that we don’t need that party being a stone tied to our ankles anymore. Let me reassure you that the reason I felt good about leaving the GOP was because I felt free of a weight. I feel good because now I, and those that left alongside me, can create something new and stronger. Something with teeth, and a solid idea of where it stands on principles. It can have leadership that actually has backbone. A party that won’t change its values in order to support a would be king.

In other words, a party that doesn’t look so much like the left. I can’t wait to be a part of that party.

No idea what that even means – all of your points of contention with Trump are things you agree with Hillary on – see above three points.

But it doesn’t matter that you’re a sore, faggoty loser.

What matters is that you’re a loser.

And Alt-Right – we are winners.

trump victory

We bury our enemies.

Take a Bow, Brothers

You – each and every one of you – is as responsible for this as anyone else.

The Daily Stormer is the world’s most visited Alt-Right site. It was our meme magic that took down the cucks. It was us.

We did this.

We went to war for our race and nation and we won.

And I can promise you this, brothers:

This party is just getting started.


We took the GOP.

Now we take America.

And then, Dear Brothers: the world.

The fire rises.

Hail the Stormer Troll Army.

Hail the Alt-Right.

Hail Donald Trump.

Hail Victory.