Remote Amazon Tribe Now Hooked on Bizarre White Man Porn Thanks to Elon Musk’s Starlink

Basically, the singular use case for Elon Musk’s Starlink was to bring the internet to remote tribal areas that had no need for the internet. It was a really weird proposition.

The results, probably, should have been predictable.

Another job well done by the true genius Elon Musk.

New York Post:

A reclusive tribe in the Amazon finally got hooked up to the internet, thanks to Elon Musk — only to be torn apart by social media and pornography addiction, elders complain.

Brazil’s 2,000-member Marubo tribe has been left bitterly divided by the arrival of the Tesla founder’s Starlink service nine months ago, which connected the remote rainforest community along the Ituí River to the web for the first time.

“When it arrived, everyone was happy,” Tsainama Marubo, 73, told The New York Times. “But now, things have gotten worse. Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet, they’re learning the ways of the white people.”

The Marubo are a chaste tribe, who even frown upon kissing in public — but Alfredo Marubo (all Marubo use the same last name) said he is anxious that the arrival of the service, which delivers super-fast internet to far-flung corners of the planet and has been billed as a game-changer by Musk, could upend standards of decorum.

Alfredo said many young Marubo men have been sharing porn videos in group chats and he has already observed more “aggressive sexual behavior” in some of them.

“We’re worried young people are going to want to try it,” he said of the kinky sex acts they’ve suddenly been exposed to on screen. “Everyone is so connected that sometimes they don’t even talk to their own family.”

Starlink works by connecting antennas to 6,000 low-orbiting satellites. The necessary antennas were donated to the tribe by American entrepreneur Allyson Reneau.

One teen told The Times that she now dreams of traveling of the world, while another says she aspires to become a dentist in São Paulo.



What was the use case supposed to be here, Elon?

Why would primitive jungle people need the internet, other than to watch porn and have their women be inspired to “travel the world”?

There was something in Star Trek called the “Prime Directive” that should have been followed by all of the colonists of the colonial era. Back then, of course, they didn’t have Star Trek, so maybe they never thought of it.

But I guarantee you: Elon Musk has watched Star Trek and knows what the Prime Directive is.

For any of you who don’t know, here’s a two-minute clip with Captain Picard explaining it:

Basically: you should let people develop on their own to a certain level before you start giving them high level technology.

In Star Trek though, it was always these dilemmas of how the crew of the Enterprise could help less developed people with their higher technologies. Like for example, if the Enterprise had the ability to cure a disease but didn’t want to expose the less developed people to the disease-curing technology.

There was no possible way that dropping off internet access to jungle people was going to help them.

But Elon Musk is just like “let’s flood these primitive jungle people with hardcore porn to uplift humanity.”

Shouldn’t he be forced to explain why he is doing this?

Frankly, he should be taken to the Hague over this.

There is no possible justification for doing this to these jungle people. It’s sheer cruelty.