Republicuck Faggot Hawley Tries to Block Female Military Draft with “Don’t Draft Our Daughters” Resolution

Pictured: Missouri Senator Josh Hawley introducing the “Don’t Draft Our Daughters” resolution.

Any hope I had for Josh Hawley is now finished.

These people are all irredeemable filth.

This is not based and it is definitely not red pilled.

New York Post:

A group of Republican senators have drafted a plan to block a push to compel women to register for the draft upon turning 18 — dubbing it the “Don’t Draft Our Daughter’s” resolution.

The resolution is being introduced by six GOP senators: Mike Lee (R-UT), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Josh Hawley (R-MO), James Lankford (R-OK), Steve Daines (R-MT) and Roger Wicker (R-MS).

The ​Senate National Defense Authorization Act, approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee last month, includes an amendment that would for the first time force women between the ages of 18 to 25 to sign up for the Selected Service.

Men of that age are currently required to do so. Those that don’t are ineligible for federal student loans and can’t land government jobs.

Forcing our daughters into the draft creates a burdensome and disproportionately increased risk of injury and fatalities for our nation’s women, as readiness data shows,” Sen. Lee said in a statement.

“This policy change is rushed and unnecessary in our current time of peace, and unduly harms women more than advancing any notion of equality. While American women should be empowered to serve in our Armed Forces, they should not be forced to fight.”

Ria Tabacco Mar, head of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Women’s Rights Project, has countered that the status quo creates a “serious burden on men that’s not being imposed on women.”

She said it sends a “tremendously harmful message that women are less fit than men to serve their country in this particular way and conversely that men are less fit than women to stay home as caregivers in the event of an armed conflict.”

The Republicucks are not only “not on our side” – they are a force of unconscionable evil.

In the midst of all that is happening, they move to protect the very whores who created this mess.

Ria Tabacco Mar, our unexpected ally.

Whose idea was it to build up tensions with Russia, China, and Iran?

It wasn’t the idea of the masses of normal heterosexual white men.

It was women and their allies!

They should be the ones to die.

Anyone who tries to protect them from this is an enemy of civilization itself.