Revolutionary Innovation in the Field of Gibbzology: “Blackness as a Disability”

Daily Stormer
January 22, 2017

It’s not hard to make the case that literally every single fucking nigger is clinically retarded

While we tend to think that niggers are unfit for any function outside that of farm equipment, a couple of them actually figured out how the (((System))) works and working hard to get more gibbz from Whitey using it.

The College Fix:

A black law professor argues that African Americans should embrace the notion that being black in America is a disability as a new legal strategy toward enacting protections for the black community against unconscious bias, stereotyping and structural inequality.

How many words from this paragraph can the “black law professor” actually spell?

I’m gonna go with “maybe 20,” and that’s solely because at a glance, the thing obviously has some human blood in it.

The subhumans aside, you really have to give the Kikes some credit for destroying America the way they did.

It took them only half a century to turn the country that put a man on the moon into a country where monkeys like this are treated as if they were actual human beings, and not lesser primates in the same category as chimps and gorillas.

That couldn’t have been easy.

Kimani Paul-Emile, an associate professor of law at Fordham University and associate director of its law school’s Center on Race, Law & Justice, argues that while Africans Americans might initially spurn the “blackness as disability” label, it can actually be a wise courtroom plan.

Paul-Emile argues that being disabled does not have the same extreme negative connotation as it did in the past, and what’s more, disability law does not force plaintiffs to show that the harm they’ve suffered was intentional, that “discriminatory effect is almost always enough.”

So you monkeys are gonna finally admit you’re all dumber than most farm animals, and try to make the best of it?

“Rather than focusing on malicious intent, disability law accepts the impact of even neutral actions, policies, and programs, directly confronting the ways in which social structures, institutions, and norms can ‘substantially limit’ a person’s ability to perform ‘a major life activity.’ It thus requires that even discrimination based on unacknowledged bias be addressed,” Paul-Emile wrote in her article, a forthcoming piece in Georgetown Law Review excerpted by Fordham Law News.

Nobody’s stopping you from performing a “major life activity.” I wish there were, specifically someone to stop you from the major life activity of life, but there is no one even trying…

“Blackness in the United States has an independent disabling effect distinct from the effects of socioeconomic status,” the law professor wrote.

Paul-Emile listed many reasons for black peoples’ perceived disabilities, including “facing increased likelihood, relative to Whites, of living in poverty, attending failing schools, experiencing discrimination in housing, being denied a job interview, being stopped by the police, being killed during a routine police encounter, receiving inferior medical care, living in substandard conditions and in dangerous and/or polluted environments, being un- or underemployed, receiving longer prison sentences, and having a lower life expectancy.”

Everything you just mentioned is either the result of acting like a nigger or the result of living around niggers.

Every black country, city, town, neighborhood on the face of the earth is shithole, and there are no exception.

And they’re not like that because of Jim Crow, they’re like that because you’re all a bunch of moronic animals.

Paul-Emile argues that understanding “Blackness as disabling … brings to the fore a surprising new approach to addressing discrimination and systemic inequality that has been hiding in plain sight: disability law.”

The Americans with Disabilities Act defines “disability” as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of such individual.”

“Blackness, of course, is not, by itself, an impairment,” Paul-Emile writes.

“However, disability law recognizes that many traits understood as disabling do not necessarily arise from a medical condition, but are instead simply traits that create disadvantage when combined with an inhospitable social or physical environment,” Paul-Emile stated.

So cripples aren’t actually disabled, but the world around them is?

And niggers aren’t actually cripples, but they should be considered as such for more gibbz?

Makes sense to me.

“… To recognize Blackness as a disability therefore requires us to acknowledge the ways in which racial hierarchies and White privilege persist and are embedded within these laws, policies, and practices such that they reify the very inequities they seek to eliminate.

For those of you who know nothing about voodoo, what this dumb sheboon is describing in this article is literally it.

The kikes made up some longer words for it, but it’s 100% voodoo, the only way in which these monkeys are capable of understanding the world.

But this is to be expected, considering niggers believe college degrees are magical talismans that make houses and cars appear out of thin air.

But the problem isn’t the monkeys per se, it’s us, for letting too many of our own kind be tricked by the Jewish media to treat these creatures as our equals, instead of wiping them off the face of the planet as we should’ve done centuries ago.

But this insanity can’t go on much longer…