Sam Hyde’s Backers Up Purse for Shaun Piker Fight to $2.5 Millie – Paki Piker Keeps Ducking

As per the above video, the purse for the Sam Hyde v. Hasan Piker fight has been upped to $2.5 million, and Piker, an invasive immigrant from Pakistan, is continuing to duck.

He is pretending he hasn’t heard that there is a $2.5 millie purse on this fight, despite the fact that we have the address with $2.5 millie in it.

Hasan is totally broke, because he’s an oppressed immigrant from the slums of Islamabad, and a communist who doesn’t believe in materialism. His house is only worth $3 million, and is basically a piece of shit shack.

White walls and plastic furniture. Living like a Walmart greeter. Imagine the improvements he could do on that shitty house with $2.5 million.

I mean, we all know he’s the biggest alpha male possibly ever in all of history. He’s Genghis Khan tier alpha. He would definitely destroy Sam Hyde in a fight in the first round, and then walk away with a cool $2.5 to fix up his shitty house.

The whole thing would take him like, less than 15 minutes. He walks into the ring, punches Sam out in one hit, drops him, transfers the Bitcoin and leaves the arena.

Who would deny that deal? Who would deny a huge amount of money that is basically free?

Sam Hyde’s name has been banned from Piker’s reddit. That’s how hard he’s ducking. His own fans are spamming him like “bro get that money you’re so strong this is nothing, get that money” and he’s blocking and ignoring.

What is even going on here?

If Hasan doesn’t want the money because he’s an oppressed worker who likes being poor, he can give it to the clinic in San Francisco to pass out free needles and help the community. He can donate it to transgender toddlers in need of bottom surgery. He can send it to ISIS to help fight the fascist Taliban. He can donate it to the Taiwanese military, or to Azov Battalion. There are a million ways $2.5 millie could fight a lot of fascism, if he doesn’t want to use it to fix up his impoverished personal shack.

Get that money, Piker.

Punch a fascist, knock him out, get paid.

Let’s get this going.