Scott Adams Says Democrats are Going to Start Killing White People If They Win in November

Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip and a best-selling author and a pro-Trump political commentator who had some pretty insightful things to say in 2016, came out recently and said that he lost his television show because he is white.

Then, on Wednesday, he tweeted this:

As the regular reader is aware, this is exactly what I’ve been saying: they’re preparing for a mass killing.

So, maybe Scott Adams is a reader and read here what I said and agreed with it. Or maybe he came up with it on his own. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that intelligent people are looking at the situation and coming to the very obvious conclusion.

We are currently on a road to a genocide.

This is what is going to happen:

  1. The black mob will march into white neighborhoods.
  2. Maybe they will target you because of the way you looked at them. Or maybe they like the look of your daughter.
  3. They will break into your house.
  4. If you call the police, they won’t come.
  5. If you shoot the blacks, you will be charged with murdering peaceful protesters.
  6. If you allow the blacks to rape and murder you and your family, the police will not investigate it.
  7. Saying that these killings are happening will be declared “hate speech,” and will be against the law.
  8. The media will claim that the killings are not happening, while also claiming that it is good that they’re happening.

I am as unhappy with Donald Trump as anyone, as the regular reader knows well, but this election is not about Donald Trump, it is about survival.

Anyone who tells you that this election is not the most important event of our lifetimes is either lying to you on purpose or is so utterly stupid that they might as well be drooling in a wheelchair.

This is real life, kids. Fun times are over. We are now in a situation with a gathering violent mob of people who are going to march into our neighborhoods, kick in our doors, force us to watch as they rape and torture our children before they slit our throats. I simply cannot properly communicate the seriousness of what we are facing here.

We stand on the edge of the precipice and there are monsters climbing out of it.

Scott Adams will be banned from everything soon enough. He is about on the same level as Stefan Molyneux, who was banned this week. All of these lightweight right-wing pundits are going to be cleaned up before the election. They will be long forgotten by the time the blacks are kicking in doors and slitting throats.

There will be no one to protect you, and perhaps worse, there will be no one to remember you after you’re dead. You will be blotted out.