Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 1, 2020
Fans of the impeachment will be disappointed to hear that their beloved daytime soap opera has been canceled following the conclusion of the first season.
The Senate on Friday voted to block any witnesses from being called in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, a move that marked the beginning of the end of the third Senate trial for a president in US history.
Senate leaders struck an agreement to hold the final vote to acquit Trump on the two articles of impeachment at 4 p.m. ET on Wednesday, following a debate throughout the day on Friday about how to bring the trial to a close. The impeachment trial will resume on Monday.
The timing means that the acquittal vote will occur after Trump comes up to Capitol Hill to deliver the State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.
Producer Adam Schiff was shocked to hear the news, saying that he had hoped that the show would carry on for several seasons, telling the full story of a group of unlikely Jews as they fought to end white supremacy in America.
The impeachment cancelation comes after record low ratings for the daytime politically-oriented soap opera, which viewers have simply failed to connect with. The impeachment, which focused on a conspiracy by the white supremacist leader Donald Trump to deny democracy to the Ukraine, was a spin-off of “Special Counsel Investigation,” which aired for three seasons.
It is unknown why Impeachment failed to connect with audiences in the same way as Special Counsel Investigation did.

Critics have praised Impeachment as a “brilliant and moving successor” to the popular series, but viewers have continually complained that the series is “boring” and “too Jewish.” And indeed, the anti-Semitism of the American public may have played a role in the lackluster ratings, as Robert Mueller, the handsome goy protagonist of “Special Counsel” played by Robert Redford, was replaced by a gang of Jews. Even the show’s villain, Alan Dershowitz (played by Alan Arkin), is Jewish.
That said, the anti-Semitic dislike of the show may be balanced out by the anti-Semitic praise of the show. Anti-Semitic leader Andrew Anglin, for instance, has lauded Impeachment as an “artistic document recording the dangers of toxic Semitism.”
Anti-Semitism aside, complaints about the complex and possibility even convoluted plot may indeed have validity. Whereas Special Counsel focused on a conspiracy by the white supremacists to work with anti-democracy forces in Russia to destroy global democracy, the plot of Impeachment scales down the conspiracy, with white supremacists trying simply to destroy democracy in the Ukraine.
“Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin once again team up to fight democracy, but this time the stakes are much lower, as instead of targeting American democracy, the diabolical duo focus only on ending democracy in the Ukraine,” Jerry Ducksmith, a critic for The Guardian wrote regarding the show’s plot. “Though the show’s acting is great, with a particularly strong performance by Jack Black as Congressman Jerrold Nadler, the stakes seem very low, and it is difficult to believe that the United States Congress would be this concerned about democracy in the Ukraine.”

Indeed, the show did at points simply become unbelievable. Despite Adam Sandler’s genius portrayal of Congressman Adam Schiff, the passion with which the character spoke of the importance of the Ukraine and their democracy would come across as bizarre to the viewer who did not understand Schiff’s own family ties to Russia. The educated viewer is aware that Schiff, as a Russian Jew, hates Russia due to his family having been pogromed by Russians, but the show does little to attempt to explain Schiff’s passion for fighting Russia.
Responding to this criticism, producers have said that season two would feature flashbacks showing Adam Schiff’s family getting chased by Cossacks on horses through the streets of Odessa, with the writers saying that this would demonstrate to the viewers why democracy in the Ukraine was so important to Schiff. But those are scenes that no one will ever see, with the network having decided to pull the plug.
Despite the show’s cancelation, producers say that they are hopeful that the stories of these characters will continue. Adam Sandler has shown interest in carrying his portrayal of Schiff over to the big screen in a feature film. He told TMZ on Tuesday that he’s read a script for a feature length film tentatively entitled “Schiff Goes Home,” which features the character of Adam Schiff being called to his ancestral homeland of Kiev by a distant cousin who needs help laundering billions of dollars he’s managed to suck out of the Ukrainian government following the revolution. “But when the Russian KGB sends in a couple of bungling investigators to track down the stolen cash, things get wacky, and a classic Sandler adventure ensues,” Sandler said. “I love the character of Schiff, and I wouldn’t mind doing a series of films involving his crazy adventures around the world.”