Snopes Admits There is No Evidence That Hawaii Wildfires Not Caused by Directed Energy Weapon

That’s a wild fire, alright. It’s wild that the WEF and NWO are trying to fuck us in the ass with space beams to get us on board with their globalist agenda.

The fact checkers (more like fag checkers) at Snopes have admitted that they have ZERO evidence that the fires in Hawaii were not started by a directed energy weapon from space, saying that the assertion is “unfounded” as opposed to “false.”

Which seems more likely – that it’s all a big coincidence, or that it was a space weapon?

It’s a simple question: coincidence or conspiracy?

I had assumed it was a volcano. There is a volcano on Maui and we’ve been waiting for it to erupt and kill millions of gutless swine.

But nope: beam weapon from space.
