Spain Exhumes Founder of Fascist Movement from Mausoleum

With these stories about digging up the graves of people that modernity (Jews) have deemed evil, I always feel like I need to post a Misfits song.

But I’m not going to this time.

These people are rewriting books, they are tearing down statues, they are digging up bones – this is a project to erase and recreate a new history. This is something planned and purposeful. It’s not a series of disconnected events that happen for their own strange purposes, as the goyim would be led to believe.


Spain on Monday dug up the body of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the fascist Falange movement that supported the Francoist regime, and removed it from a mausoleum carved into a mountainside near Madrid as sympathisers gave fascist salutes.

A handful of supporters gathered outside the gates of the complex formerly known as the Valley of the Fallen made the gesture and held up banners saying “Jose Antonio is present” or shouted “Long live Spain” as his hearse drove past.

Valley of the Fallen

Police struggled to hold back a larger crowd of about 150 Falange supporters gathered outside the San Isidro cemetery in southern Madrid, where he was to be reburied. They gave the fascist salute and sang the Falangist hymn “Facing the sun”.

This has only recently been put on par with like, Hitler or whatever.

We are on the verge of Thomas Jefferson being Hitler.

If this were to keep going, we would be talking about tearing down the entire old city of Charlottesville because Jefferson built it and because Donald Trump turned six million morbidly obese women into tarps in the city in 2017.

His exhumation, which follows the 2019 removal of the remains of dictator Francisco Franco, is part of a plan to convert the complex built by Franco, which last year was renamed the Valley of Cuelgamuros, into a memorial to the 500,000 people killed during Spain’s 1936-39 civil war.

Presidency Minister Felix Bolanos on Friday hailed the exhumation as another step in giving the valley new symbolism.

No person or ideology that evokes the dictatorship should be honoured or extolled there,” he said at the time.

The son of dictator Miguel Primo de Rivera, who governed Spain from 1923-1930, Jose Antonio was shot by firing squad in November 1936 by left-wing Republican forces in Alicante.

It is the fifth time his body has been buried and the fourth time it has been exhumed.

This is the worst thing you can do to a person. I mean, aside from the tranny thing.

This tweet claims his own family is asking for his corpse to be dug up.

This has become a popular thing among the progeny of “evil” people. They are portrayed as having tainted blood. Which is of course a contradiction in a society where “race doesn’t exist” and is therefore based around genetics denialism. Also, the “individualism” thing is broken by “sins of the father” reasoning.

But no one cares.

Nothing is required to be consistent, even whilst we have these ideologies forced down our throats which ostensibly only exist for the purpose of being consistent.