Spain: Member of Parliament Suspended from Twitter for Saying Men Can’t Get Pregnant

Spain was one of the first country to pretend that two men can be married

The facts are the facts: men can get just as pregnant as women.

Denying that fact is a form of violence against pregnant men.

Life Site News:

Twitter blocked Spanish MP Francisco Contreras for 12 hours for saying that men cannot get pregnant. Contreras’ tweet came in response to a news article that reported on the case of a “pregnant man” giving birth to “his” child.

The offending tweet read simply, “That’s a lie. A man cannot get pregnant. A man has neither uterus nor ovaries.” During his suspension, Mario Noya, a Spanish journalist and author of book called ‘Why I stopped being on the left,’ tweeted his disdain for the sudden censorship of Contreras, who belongs to Vox, Spain’s conservative party.

“For this they have suspended the account of representative @fjconpe @Twitter STINKS.”

Noya’s screenshot displayed a vague explanation from Twitter to Contreras, citing broken rules such as inciting “hate, threats, harassment, and/or fomenting violence against people” based on “race, origin, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religion, age, disability, or illness.” Twitter’s communication to Contreras also threatened permanent suspension for “repeated breaches.”

Contreras told LifeSiteNews he is not the first conservative Spanish politician to be banned. In fact, other Vox party members have also been suspended by Twitter.

Francisco Contreras

Spanish publication Counting Stars reported that not only has Twitter ignored overt threats against Vox party members on its platform, but the entire Vox account was censored during an election season for merely posting high crime rates among illegal immigrant minors from the Muslim Maghreb region in Northwest Africa. The statistics were taken from public police sources.

“Last February, at the gates of regional elections in Catalonia, Twitter censored the Vox account in a new interference by the American company in an electoral process in another country. Twitter’s excuse in that case was that citing statistics showing the high percentage of criminal complaints against Maghreb was also ‘incitement to hatred.’”

This is the thing: Twitter, Facebook and Google take over the communications apparatus in foreign countries. They then use their control of communications to censor people they don’t like.

They can also use that communication to promote violent groups trying to overthrow the government.

This has all been demonstrated. We know that the big tech companies use their control of foreign media to meddle in the politics of foreign countries. We know that they do it on behalf of the Western intelligence agencies.

For the sake of freedom of speech, all of these companies should be banned from every country. What is happening now is no different than if the CIA went all around the world and bought up every single newspaper and use it to shill CIA talking points. In fact, it’s actually worse than that, but that is the best analogy we can present.

It is total lunacy that any nation tolerate this. However, I suppose you could say that Spain is indebted to the EU and NATO, and not really able to act in its own interests.

But what is Russia’s excuse?

Why does Russia continue to allow these tech companies to highjack their national conversation and censor it for Western purposes?

Russia was talking about blocking Twitter, but then they never did.

Surely: the arguments in favor of blocking are not difficult to make?