Strange Message from Google About the UK Election

I’m in the UK on a business trip.

I don’t usually go to Google, but I did for some reason.

Interesting message today:

Bring your ID to vote?

I had no idea that the British hated “niggers.” By the way, they call them “coalies.” They say they’re the color of coal, so they say coalies. They also call them “nibbies” because they say they “nibble their fried chicken like gerbils.”

If you visit Britain, you’ll find this poster hanging up in most “pubs”:

It was originally drawn by the racist British poet Rudyard Kipling and has become a staple of British life.

But I didn’t realize they’d actually banned blacks from voting.

Everyone knows that black people don’t have IDs. Because of racism, they can’t get IDs. That’s why in America, you don’t need an ID to vote.

I’m surprised to find Google isn’t condemning this skin-hatred. I thought they would be against it. Instead, they encourage it?
