Supreme Court Temporarily Stops No-Legs Greg’s Faggot Fake Anti-Immigration Scheme

You remember Order 66? You probably do. I sure do.

That’s when Palpatine declared all Jedi traitors to the Galactic Republic, to be executed on sight.

Almost all the Jedi were killed.

What the Biden Administration has done with the border was a kind of Order 66 for white America. The plan, obviously, is to flood every formerly red state with “migrants” and make it so in a few years, there are no more red states. It’s basically completed.

The game is lost.

The fact that the Supreme Court is saying “no planet is allowed to stop killing Jedi” doesn’t mean anything. They could issue the opposite order, and it wouldn’t mean anything.

It’s a done deal.

There is no point in even talking about immigration anymore. The only solution would be an incredibly extreme military solution that involved rounding these invaders up, shoving them in vans, and putting them in concentration camps until we can figure out how to get rid of them. That is impossible unless the government collapses and is replaced with some new form of government.

Talking about immigration is just a waste of energy.

New York Post:

Texas’ new state law allowing police officers to arrest suspected illegal migrants is headed to the Supreme Court in a legal showdown over the federal government’s authority over immigration.

The high court on Monday blocked Texas’ immigration law from going into effect until March 13 and asked the state to respond by March 11.

The law — known as SB4 — authorizes local police and the Texas Department of Public Safety to detain anyone suspected of entering the country illegally — and if they are found to have done so they will be handed state charges which give effectively the person a choice of prison or voluntarily leaving the country.

Yeah, did you catch that? He’s not arresting and deporting them. He’s arresting them and then kindly asking them to leave, before releasing them.

If they were going to kindly leave, they wouldn’t have rudely shown up in the first place.

Opposition to the law from the Department of Justice and civil rights groups claim border matters fall under federal jurisdiction and are not for individual states to decide.

In his ruling blocking the law, Judge David Ezra agreed it interferes with the federal government’s powers under the US Constitution to enforce immigration laws and the ability of migrants to apply for asylum “to the detriment of the United States’ foreign relations and treaty obligations.”

US District Judge David A. Ezra

Ezra also rejected Abbott’s oft-repeated claim that the growing number of migrants crossing the border amounts to an “invasion.”

Even accepting that some small number of immigrants do traffic drugs or have cartel affiliations, Texas cannot genuinely maintain that noncitizens crossing the border are an organized military force aimed at conquest or plunder,” Ezra’s ruling read.

Well, that’s just a strawman.

No one thinks it’s an organized military force. There are smaller organized military forces within the larger body of migrants, such as the cartels and various criminal gangs from other countries, but the whole thing is not a unified army.

The way you would frame it as an army is as an army of the Democrat Party, intended to forcibly transform the country. In terms of conquest and plunder – they are conquering territory by occupying and they are plundering the social welfare system.

But I think the basic claim of “invasion” is that an entire army of poor people from across the entire planet are marching into the country by the millions, and none of them plan on leaving. I don’t know what you call that other than an “invasion.” Nothing like this has ever happened before, so maybe we need a new word.

But no one ever said it’s an organized military force.

And anyway – it is illegal. People can’t just enter your country. No country allows this, other than America and its subsidiaries in Europe.