Surprise, Goyim, Surprise: Kushner is Actually a Soros Puppet

Daily Stormer
May 4, 2017

Don’t worry goyim, we have your best interest at heart.

When we figured that president Trump was replaced by president Kushner, it was quite a blow. But, as it turns out, that was actually a wrong assessment.

He was actually replaced by president Soros.


President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner didn’t disclose his part ownership of a real-estate finance startup known as Cadre, according to a Wall Street Journal review of Kushner’s securities and other filings.

The Journal notes that Kushner’s Cadre stake “means the senior White House official is currently a business partner of Goldman Sachs Group and billionaires including George Soros and Peter Thiel.” The Journal also reports that Kushner didn’t disclose a number of loans “totaling at least $1 billion, from more than 20 lenders,” on properties and companies he co-owns; and Kushner “has also provided personal guarantees on more than $300 million of the debt.” An analysis of the debt on these assets “found ties to a broad swath of U.S. and foreign banks, private-equity firms, real-estate companies and government-owned lenders.”

Go ahead and keep voting, filthy goyim!

One billion dollars in loans from the likes of George Soros?


It’s important to note that in these circles, a loan is more of a gift or a favor than what we understand as a loan. This is because for people high-up in the financial system, interest rates are lower than effective inflation rates, which means that in effect, loans represent free money.

This kind of money changing hands between kikes isn’t going to be a purely “business” transaction. It’s a political investment.

Until this point, we thought that Trump was just being controlled by deep state interest and general kikery. The news that Soros is somehow involved means that this is probably part of something bigger and more coordinated which will have repercussions involving Russia and the EU.

What demonic scheme is this Jew up to?

Not content to torment us during his life, Soros is already prepared to become a Lich in order to continue his evil work after death.