Thank You Mario! But Our Stereotypical Blonde Aryan Princess is in Another Castle!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 3, 2015

Promote racist images of stereotypical White beauty much, Nintindo?
Promote racist images of stereotypical White beauty much, Nintendo?

Just when you think that finally you’ve got a hold on racism, as the Blacks continue to rise up and riot against the oppressor – BOOM! – the Japs bring down the hatred on the world of video games.

Nintendo has a new Mario game out, one in which you are able to build your own worlds by drawing them. Sounds fun enough, until you learn that the experience is one of pure racism.

Business Insider:

During a meeting with Nintendo on Thursday in New York City, I tried the game and was immediately struck by the strangeness of a disembodied human hand – bearing little similarity in looks to my own – acting as a stand-in for my actual hand. Yes, I’m a white guy, but my fingers are far from long and slender (sadly).

What if I were, say, a 10-year-old black girl?Or a 30-year-old Japanese man? Or literally anything other than an adult white woman (which the hand appears to belong to)?

Given the mainstream appeal of the mustachioed hero and his ongoing battle against Bowser, you’d think Nintendo – a company that’s repeatedly shown willingness to be inclusive – would have thought of this.

Can’t believe it?

Take a look for yourself.

I can't believe that White hands still exist in 2015.
I can’t believe that White hands still exist in 2015.

This is hardly surprising.

The White privileged Japanese have struggled long with deep hatreds, which they use video games to propagandize.

The Mario games have always been racist, promoting the White supremacist idea of the blonde-haired, blue-eyed princess. It is also sexist, because she needs a man to rescue her – an “alpha” Italian male at that (a not-so-subtle subtext of domestic abuse runs through the storyline as well).

Why couldn’t Mario rescue a Aboriginal Australian princess in one of these games?

Just as beautiful as a skinny White blonde girl, to those not brainwashed by White supremacist media.
Just as beautiful as a skinny White blonde girl, to those not brainwashed by White supremacist media standards of beauty.

Better yet, why couldn’t an Aboriginal Australian princess rescue Mario? Why does it have to be the woman that needs rescued? Women are just as strong and capable as men when it comes to jumping on mushrooms – or doing anything else for that matter.

Not just Mario: Nintendo promotes the White supremacist ideal of beauty in the Zelda series as well.
Not just Mario: Nintendo promotes the White supremacist ideal of beauty in the Zelda series as well.
If Zelda is going to be a blonde stereotype, why not have the hero she has sex with be an African-American or Egyptian Arab?
If Zelda is going to be a blonde stereotype, why not have the hero she has sex with be an African-American or Egyptian Arab?
The only person of color in the Zelda series is the evil wizard Ganondorf.
The only person of color in the Zelda series is the evil wizard Ganondorf.

What’s more, why is Mario not transgendered? Would the story of Mario not be enriched if the character decided start dressing up like a woman and undergo an operation to remove his penis? Are there any transgender characters in the Mario series? Are there even any homosexuals?

Now that I think of it, are there even any non-Whites, besides the villains, who appear to all be racist caricatures?

In the Japanese version of Mario, the character of King Koopa is called "the big green spikey nigger-moster"
In the Japanese version of Mario, the character of King Koopa is called “the big green spikey rapist nigger.” The original plot involved Mario getting revenge on him after he raped his wife and stole his lawnmower of his porch to sell it and buy crack.
In Japan, the gold-obsessed, big-nosed villain Wario is known "the filthy kike banker."
In Japan, the gold-obsessed, big-nosed villain Wario is known “the filthy kike banker.”

The Japanese have a long way to go to overcome their White privilege. As of now, they don’t even seem to have acknowledged it, let alone checked it.

Japan is not an affluent and technologically-advanced country because the Japanese people worked for it. Japan was built on the backs of colonialism and Black slavery. Japan needs to acknowledge that without Black Africans, they would have nothing, and they need to pay their dues.