The Asian American Community is Torn on the Trump Administration’s War Against Affirmative Action in School Admissions

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 4, 2017

Asian boy explains that his SAT was over 9000 and he still got denied admission to Harvard.

The Trump administration declaring war on affirmative action in schools is one of the biggest things to hardly be reported that has happened so far.

This signals something YUGE. A complete realignment of the way our society has come to function.

LA Times:

In 2015, when 64 Asian American groups filed a complaint with the Department of Justice alleging that Harvard University illegally discriminated against Asian students in admissions, Joe Zhou had little hope it would go anywhere.

He had made the same allegation against Harvard in a lawsuit on behalf of his son, who had been denied admission despite near-perfect ACT and SAT scores, a 4.44 grade-point average, being named class valedictorian, and a resume that included teaching English in China and serving as captain of the varsity tennis team.

So when the Trump administration announced Wednesday that it planned to investigate racial discrimination against Asians in college admissions, Zhou was thrilled.

“Maybe now people will finally pay attention to something we Asian Americans have been talking about for so long,” he said.

The broader Asian American community is divided on the issue, with several groups criticizing the administration’s announcement.

“Affirmative action benefits everyone, including Asian Americans,” said Nicole Gon Ochi, an attorney for the civil rights group Asian Americans Advancing Justice, which has filed arguments in the Zhou case backing Harvard’s admission policies. “It especially helps traditionally disadvantaged Asian American students, like Southeast Asian university students and low-income Asian students.”



Because I thought that all people, everywhere in the world, are exactly the same as all other people – except that whites and “teammates” the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are evil and oppress everyone because of the color of their skin. Well, with the East Asian teammates, it isn’t because of the color of the skin so much as… well… just irrational hatred and oppression for absolutely no reason.

Zhou, who is Chinese American, said he’s frequently heard complaints about admissions procedures from friends and families in his community.

“This will not help my son, who will graduate soon, but it could help Asian Americans for the next 200 years,” said Zhou, who is a board member of Students for Fair Admissions, a conservative group that recruits plaintiffs for lawsuits against affirmative action at universities.

It supported a white student’s case against the University of Texas at Austin that was decided last year by the Supreme Court, which said race could be considered in admissions.

In its Wednesday announcement, the Trump administration did not mention Harvard specifically but said the Justice Department would investigate a complaint lodged by 64 Asian groups about discrimination at a university.

The complaint also argues that Harvard’s use of “holistic” admissions — which take into account a wide range of factors beyond academic performance — is really a way “to disguise the fact that it holds Asian Americans to a far higher standard than other students and essentially forces them to compete against each other for admission.”

And whites.

I mean, I get that this is an Asian group doing this for Asian reasons, but we aren’t allowed to do it because it would be “white supremacy” and would get shut down by the SPLC. They would cut our PayPal and credit cards and picket outside our offices. Maybe even hit us with a SLAPP suit.

So it is good the gooks are stepping up to the plate here and refusing to get pushed around, because anything that applies to them is going to apply to us. What they have done is placed Asians, because of their high IQ, in the same basket as us.

Sarah Isgur Flores, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department, said it “is committed to protecting all Americans from all forms of illegal race-based discrimination.”

At Harvard, which has argued in a Supreme Court brief that not considering race would hurt its “excellence” as a school, the incoming class of freshmen is 22.2% Asian American, 14.6% African American, 11.6% Latino, 2.5% Native American or Pacific Islander, and 49.1% white.

By comparison, the U.S. population is 5.7% Asian American, 13.3% African American, 17.8% Latino, 1.3% Native American or Alaska Native, 0.02% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, and 61.3% white, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Yeah, we’re going to have to take action against Asians either way, to be honest.

They are really good at taking tests, these people, whereas they don’t really do very much to benefit our society. Lots of schools in America are filled with Chinese and Japanese who come for school and go back when they’re finished – how does that benefit our country?

What is the purpose of these institutions, if not to help our own people, our own society? Certainly they were founded for that purpose – rather than to assist the entirety of Asia in educating a corporate class.

Ken Forde-Mazrui, a University of Virginia law professor who specializes in race, said that the focus on university admissions is misguided — and that the Trump administration is taking up the complaint by Asians largely because their interests align with those of many whites.

“This is primarily about conservative leaders protecting the privilege of access to society’s resources and opportunities for certain white constituents,” he said. “Such leaders’ purported concern for discrimination against Asian Americans is politically opportunistic.

“I don’t see many of them concerned about discrimination against Asian Americans in other contexts,” he added, “such as the ‘bamboo ceiling’ in corporate America, where such discrimination does not harm white interests.”

Well, you caught us.

We are totally using these gooks as a way to reclaim our own belongings.

But that is transparent – you don’t have to have an above average IQ to figure it out.

This is Trump beginning to untie the noose of the death pact that is the entire concept of affirmative action. Because if we don’t stop this, society is going to collapse. It is not even a little bit sustainable. We are now at the point where we are replacing crucial jobs with AA hires, and the system is beginning to slowly shut itself down.

Jesse Jackson says Silicon Valley has to hire black computer programmers – well, what are they going to do when they get in the jobs? They can’t program computers, or they would already be working in that field. The Valley is filled with Pakistanis who the average race-hater probably dislikes as much or more than blacks. The reason blacks don’t work there is that they are incapable.

If the “sexism” witch hunt continues in Silicon Valley, and they start forcing companies to hire blacks to just sit around, the tech industry is just going to pack up and leave the country. I’ve said it: Russia should open a tax-exempt zone in or near Sochi and invite companies to move there.

The government of Flint, Michigan is another good example of the perils of AA – you put blacks in charge and they can’t even keep the water clean.

It’s apple juice, brah. Your facet now spits out apple juice. How cool is that?

Everything is falling apart around us, because we have embraced the absurd fantasy that the only reason people of different races perform and behave differently is that there is a secret conspiracy to oppress them by evil people who hate the color of their skin. There is no evidence of this conspiracy, no one white has ever seen it, and yet we are told, every single day, that it exists.

At the same time, no one is denying that certain racial groups have lower IQs than other racial groups. They simply say that we’re not allowed to talk about it.

Well, at some point, we’re going to have to talk about it. Because this has all officially gotten out of control.