The Atlantic’s Top Kike Jeff Goldberg Claims Trump is Inciting Violence Against the Media

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
June 30, 2017

The Jew Jeff Goldberg leads the fake news and harassment operation known as The Atlantic.

The Atlantic’s Editor in Chief is a Jew by the named of Jeff Goldberg. This Jew is claiming that Donald Trump is inciting violence against the media because he exposes the fake news stories they publish.

From a Wednesday interview on Yahoo! News Global with Katie Couric (yes, that’s where she works now):

This is quite the bizarre mindset and one that exists primarily in the Jewish mind. The whole problem originates from the fact that the media is not honestly reporting news. They are spreading propaganda, disinformation and lies. If they weren’t publishing such falsehoods, people wouldn’t be angry at them and they would not have to fear retaliation.

It is ridiculous that Goldberg is blaming Trump for what is ultimately the media’s own making. Trump has been the subject of an endless barrage of fake news stories. Does he actually think that Trump shouldn’t refute the lies and slander directed towards him?

Trump has simply exposed the lies of the Jewish media to a larger audience. He is not advocating for violence against the media either directly or indirectly. If somebody violently attacks a journalist it will the media’s own fault. They should have thought about this before publishing endless numbers of fake news stories!

If anybody is at fault for inciting violence it is the media itself. Unlike Trump, they’ve been directly and indirectly calling for violence against Trump and other Republican politicians for months now. The shooting that left the House Republican Steve Scalise seriously injured was a manifestation of this propaganda.

The Atlantic employs Luke O’Brien a person who actively harasses real journalists!

It is also worth noting that The Atlantic employs someone by the name of Luke O’Brien who has been actively engaged in a campaign of harassment against Daily Stormer management. If this is the caliber of person that Goldberg employs, it says all we need to know about The Atlantic’s credibility.

Point blank, The Atlantic is a highly disreputable media enterprise. Of course, you could pretty much say the same thing about any other media operation run by Jews.