The Guns of Vegas

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 4, 2017

This is the official gun list – at least long gun list (there were also handguns) released by the cops.

I think this is probably not complete.

I think there were Eric Holder Fast and Furious guns involved, and they’re going to try to cover that up.

I’m not a weapons expert, but from the weapons experts I’ve heard talk from, this was more than just modified rifles. There were fully auto rifles involved. And the only place those could have come from – short of waiting a year on a US government list – would be from the ones Obama-Holder sent across the border flowing back this way.

Why he would even have an AK-47 is extremely weird.

Anyway – get ready to have a full-cavity search by TSA and TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES next time you check into a high-rise hotel.

Because the only solution in situations like this is to take away freedoms.

GOP cucks are already using this as a reason to walk back pro-gun legislation.