The Ukraine Shifting to Defense as Government Looks for More Boys to “Replenish” Army

Looking for boys to “replenish their stocks” is what those Jews were doing in their secret tunnel system.

It’s sickening, what the Jews do to boys.

If the Jews won’t leave people alone, they should be forced to leave people alone.


Rows of white concrete barricades and coils of razor wire stretch across an open field for more than a kilometre. Trenches with rudimentary living quarters are being dug under cover of darkness. Artillery rumbles not far away.

New defensive lines visited by Reuters near the northeastern city of Kupiansk on Dec. 28 show how Ukraine has stepped up construction of fortifications in recent months as it shifts its military operations against Russia to a more defensive footing.

The defences, which bear some similarities to those rolled out in the Russian-occupied south and east, aim to help Ukraine weather assaults while regenerating its forces as Moscow takes the battlefield initiative, military analysts said.

“As soon as the troops are moving, traversing fields, you can do without fortifications. But when the troops stop, you need to immediately dig into the ground,” a Ukrainian army engineer with the call sign Lynx told Reuters near Kupiansk.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy announced that Ukraine was “significantly enhancing” fortifications on Nov. 28 after a counteroffensive that it launched in June was unable to rapidly punch through Russian lines.

Kyiv says it is unswayed in its ambition to retake all remaining occupied territory, but for now is focused on politically sensitive conscription reforms to replenish manpower and on addressing artillery shortages at the front.

They’re going to send young girls too.

That will be so hilarious. I want to see videos of Ukrainian skanks getting mowed down while they’re playing with their phones.

If they are switching to defense AND trying to get more soldiers, that means they are purposefully depopulating the country.

I mean, if you’re going on the defensive, then why not just surrender?

The whole concept of the war, as it was sold, was that Russia would be forced out of the 2022 borders (then they changed it to the 2014 borders) by the overwhelming might of the Ukrainian military.

If the Ukraine is just trying to defend what they still have left, as Russia makes a push for Odessa and Kharkov, then why not try to surrender and keep those cities?

Unless you are just trying to get everyone in your country killed?

Wasn’t that song “Oliver’s Army” about child soldiers?

It’s disgusting that such an odious figure took the name “Elvis.”

But at least he says “nigger.” And he stood up for the Irish. He was half Irish. He has the potato bone structure, but English eyes and teeth.