Ukraine Tells Europe to Send More Billions Fast Because Russia is Coming for Them

Serhiy Marchenko, the Ukraine’s finance minister

It’s gonna be like Red Dawn if we don’t send them double infinity money!


Ukraine’s finance minister says crucial Western financial support is “not charity” but “self-preservation” in the fight to defend democracy as his country deals with growing costs to repair electrical and heating infrastructure wrecked by Russian attacks.

Serhiy Marchenko also told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday from Kyiv that he believes European Union officials will sort out a dispute with Hungary that has blocked a key 18 billion-euro ($18.97 billion) aid package and would cover much of Ukraine’s looming budget gap.

Marchenko said financial support for Ukraine is tiny compared to what developed countries spent to combat emergencies like the global financial crisis of 2008 and the COVID-19 pandemic. And that the money bolsters freedom and security far beyond his country’s struggle, he added.

It’s not charity to support Ukraine,” Marchenko said. “We are trying to protect freedom and democracy of all (the) civilized world.”

He praised what he called continuing strong support from Western governments, citing the U.S. in particular for its “predictability.” Total aid committed to Ukraine reached 113 billion euros as of this week, according to data compiled by the Ukraine Support Tracker at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.

Now is not the time to postpone any support, to just be tired of Ukraine and Ukraine’s problems … because the next time, you realized that without Ukraine, Russia will come closer to the European border,” Marchenko said.

It’s about self-preservation, it’s self-protection — this should be in the minds of EU citizens,” he added.

It seems unreal that the Ukraine would be publicly claiming that Russia is planning to invade Western Europe. No one thinks that is going to happen or is even possible. This is a border skirmish in the former USSR – one of more than a dozen that has taken place since the collapse of the Soviet Union. There is one happening now in Armenia that no one cares about for whatever reason.

These claims from the Ukraine make them look like absolute kooks.

However, one must remember: the Ukraine’s official statements to the world get all criss-crossed with their official domestic statements. Their domestic statements can and must be totally insane, because they have banned all opposition media, banned all opposition political parties, and banned people from using social media. They can say whatever they want to their own population. They tell them Russia is trying to kill them all for no reason. They have to say this or people will stop supporting this insane Jewish war that Zelensky is running.

It’s hard to parse this stuff out, to give a different narrative to the domestic population than to the world, so they end up saying this total kook nonsense to the international media. They know the Jewish media will just print anything they say like it’s somehow serious.