Today is New Hampshire Day [UPDATE – TOTAL VICTORY]

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2016

UPDATE 8:49 EST – HuffPo Looses Their Shit! HA!




We’ve doubled the numbers of our closest competitor, some guy I’ve never heard of before.

new hampshire primary - Google Search

Quite possibly, the finishing numbers will be even more extreme.

It was one of the hardest weeks of my life, brothers, after the Iowa scandal.

But we are now back on top where we belong. And we shall stay on top. Forevermore.


Backward evangelical primitives in Iowa attempted to destroy America.

But America abides.

“Someone must have cut the brakes!” they said.

And Glorious Leader turned to them and said: “what the hell are brakes?”

Hail Victory.

Original article follows.


Today is New Hampshire day.

Latest news is that Cruzman Sachs was called a “pussy.”


Donald Trump on Monday night repeated the offensive term a woman attending his rally shouted in reference to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

After first calling on a woman close to the stage to “shout it out” again, Trump repeated the woman’s one-word insult aimed at Cruz: “She said he’s a pussy.”

The term was flung into the political orbit just a day before the New Hampshire primary as Trump was discussing Cruz’s apparent hesitation during the last GOP debate on whether he would support waterboarding.

Suddenly, Trump stopped mid-sentence, pointing to a woman near him in the crowd: “She just said a terrible thing.”

“You know what she said? Shout it out because I don’t want to say,” Trump continued as the woman appeared to loudly shout the vulgar word again.

But realizing most of the crowd could not hear the woman, Trump decided to take matters into his own hands.

“OK you’re not allowed to say and I never expect to hear that from you again. She said — I never expect to hear that from you again — she said he’s a pussy,” Trump said as the crowd erupted into a roaring cacophony of laughter and applause.

“What kind of people do I have here?” Trump joked after the crowd’s reaction.

Here’s that last and final New Hampshire rally from last night.

It all comes down to this.

If we win tonight, we’re probably going to get the nomination. If we don’t win, well… it’s going to be a very complicated situation.

At time of writing, with only 1% of the vote in, we’ve got a three-way tie – Trump, Kasich and Cruz.

WMUR has live election results.

ABC has a live stream.

Live election results also here.

Here is the Daily Stormer live post for New Hampshire updates. Please post all updates, as this situation unfolds.