Top Starbucks Kike Howard Schultz Denounces Border Walls and Nationalism

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2018

The top Starbucks kike Howard Schultz is on quite the roll lately. On top of announcing a bathroom policy that will turn his coffee shops into magnets for deranged homeless niggers, he also thought it would be appropriate to lecture Americans about the morality of border walls and nationalism. And to show how serious he was, he referenced Auschwitz and the Holocaust to prove his point.

PJ Media:

Starbucks Executive Chairman Howard Schultz said the world is “questioning the moral leadership of America” and he urged the public to reject nationalism.

“We are living at a very unusual time and I don’t think it would be an overstatement, especially this week, to say that the country is facing a real crucible,” Schultz said after accepting the Atlantic Council’s Distinguished Business Leadership Award on Thursday evening. “And I think you can broaden that and kind of ask the rhetorical question about the crucible of leadership.”

Schultz recalled visiting Auschwitz for the first time and finding a stone in the sand, which he laid on the podium.

“I’ve had that rock on my desk to constantly remind me not only to never forget, but in an age of uncertainty, especially the last couple of years, to remind me of the best of America. Now, it’s been 75 years since the end of World War II and I think many today, unfortunately, at home and many around the world – and I travel a great deal – are questioning the moral leadership of America, and the ideals of America and what this rock not once, but still, represents,” Schultz said. “I say straight away that my company and what we do at Starbucks is not a proxy for the country or leading the country, but our values and guiding principles, I think, are steeped in American values.”

Obviously, Starbucks is not steeped in American values as Schultz claims. Starbucks is steeped in Jewish values. American values and Jewish values are two very different things. This is a company that profits by charging an outrageous amount of money for horrendously bad coffee. That’s a Jewish value, not an American value. They’ve also been mired in a number of political controversies due to their promotion of social justice themed initiatives that have angered many Americans.

The Jew Howard Schultz has used Starbucks as a means to promote Cultural Marxism and other political agendas that directly benefit the international kike system.

But it’s not surprising to see Jews like Schultz rejecting border walls and nationalism when they are living outside of Israel. Jews regardless of where they live, identify themselves first and foremost as a Jew. They don’t consider themselves to be attached to any of the goyim nations. They may pretend that they’re an American or a German etc.. to blend into a goyim society, but their loyalties lie with the tribe.

The Jews also view themselves as a worldly people. Borders and nationalism are roadblocks in their quest to rule the world through subversive means. The more racial diversity a country has, the easier it is for Jews to subvert that country. This is why we see Jews at the forefront of promoting these open border agendas.

Jews don’t have any problems with this massive border wall system in Israel. They only have a problem with border walls in nations that they seek to subvert from within.

Schultz is just pushing the standard Jewish position on immigration policy for Western nations. As we have shown time and time again, it is an entirely hypocritical stance. If border walls and nationalism are such a problem for Schultz, he should be lecturing his fellow Jews in Israel before lecturing others. Israel is the most nationalistic country on the planet and it is protected by an extremely complex border wall system.

Schultz has never spoken out or tried to do race-related propaganda campaigns in the Jewish state.

It is really quite remarkable that the Jews think that they can continue lecturing us about the supposed folly of border walls and nationalism when their tribe does the opposite in Israel. They seem to think that they can say or do anything they want just by bringing up Holocaust fairy tales. If that wasn’t the case, Schultz would have never brought up Auschwitz and all the lies about six million during his speech.

Schultz should really quit while he’s ahead and take a one way trip to Tel Aviv. Americans are getting sick of being told that we aren’t good people if we don’t want open borders. Especially when this message comes from hypocritical kikes like Schultz.