Top US Government Official Pressured Tranny Experts to Remove Age Limits for Tranny Surgery

Jewish, by the way.

I don’t know if you know this, but the tranny Biden official named Levine is Jewish.

He cuts up kids’ genitals.

New York Post:

A top Biden administration health official successfully pressured an international group of medical experts to do away with age limit guidelines for transgender procedures, including gender-changing surgery, for minors, an unsealed court document shows.

Adm. Rachel Levine, the assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services, feared that the World Professional Association for Transgender Health’s late 2021 draft guidelines would make it difficult for American transgender youth to obtain access to the procedures, according to email excerpts between WPATH members included in an Alabama court filing.

WPATH guidance recommended age minimums of 14 for hormone treatment, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation and 17 for genital surgeries.

“We sent the document to Admiral Levine … She like[s] the SOC-8 very much but she was very concerned that having ages (mainly for surgery) will affect access to health care for trans youth and maybe adults too,” a WPATH member wrote in one internal email released by psychologist Dr. James Cantor as part of litigation challenging an Alabama law outlawing certain gender transition-related treatments and procedures.

“Apparently the situation in the USA is terrible and [Levine] and the Biden administration worried that having ages in the document will make matters worse,” the health group member continued.

She asked us to remove them,” the email continued, referring to Levine who identifies as a transgender woman.

What does an atheist think these Jews are trying to do?

Seriously, what is he thinking?

Why would Jews be obsessed with destroying children if Satan did not exist?

People can understand “greedy and amoral.” I hope most people are not greedy and amoral, but it’s easy enough to understand from a secular perspective.

Purposefully trying to destroy children, however?

What is the explanation other than “Satan”?