Toronto School Board Trying to Ban Ancient Indian Culture

It’s the same argument we’ve made a billion times: they say they are bringing in multiple cultures to spread “multiculturalism,” then they ban the cultures of the people who are coming in.

Obviously, the whole immigration program is simply about hurting white people, and has nothing at all to do with mixing up different cultures because that creates vibrancy or whatever the hell it is they claim their goals are (no one really understands the arguments).


Toronto’s school board has become the first in Canada to recognize that caste discrimination exists in the city’s schools and has asked a provincial human rights body to help in creating a framework to address the issue.

The Toronto District School Board on Wednesday voted in favor of a motion to that effect, which was introduced by board trustee Yalini Rajakulasingam. Sixteen trustees voted in favor of the motion and five voted against it.

The move addresses an issue important to the area’s South Asian diaspora, particularly the Indian and Hindu communities. It comes weeks after Seattle became the first U.S. city to outlaw caste discrimination after a city council vote.

India’s caste system is among the world’s oldest forms of rigid social stratification.

“This motion is not about division, it is about creating healing and empowering communities and providing them safer schools that students deserve,” Rajakulasingam said.

Rajakulasingam called for a partnership between the human rights commission of Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, and Toronto’s school board.

The caste system dates back thousands of years and allows many privileges to upper castes but represses lower castes. The Dalit community is on the lowest rung of the Hindu caste system and have been treated as “untouchables.”

This Jewish program of globalism is actually about eliminating all cultures and replacing them with global anal consumerism.

They just want everyone to have gay sex, mutilate their kids’ genitals, and watch MCU films, as well as the shitty third season of The Mandalorian.