Trump Blows Pier Morgan’s Popsickle Stand

Donald Trump agreed to an interview with Piers Morgan and then blew the popsickle stand – allegedly.

This is the clip that is being virally distributed:

Trump allegedly walked out of the interview when told by the British liar Morgan that he lost the 2020 election.

However, it looks like deceptive editing practices.

As Candace Owens pointed out, Trump told her to turn off the camera when she was interviewing him, just so they could talk privately. This is apparently something he does.

The clip also zooms in on Trump’s face, and they appear to be using lighting to make that face even shinier than usual, making it appear as though he’s gone toad mode.

“Piers Morgan Uncensored” is a new show on Fox News’ streaming service. So people are going to have to pay money to see the full interview.

Morgan is basically a Sargon of Akkad type and a fraud. Whereas most of us consistently take a side against the establishment line, Morgan picks and chooses. So he went ape over Prince Harry marrying an ape, but he also is against Donald Trump and thinks that the 2020 election was super serial.

The subtitle of “Piers Morgan Uncensored” should be “Anti-Nigger, Pro-Hoax.”

It’s goofy.

He lost his former job because he hates black people. Now he wants to anger all conservatives – who support his hatred of blacks – by confirming the 2020 hoax.

His philosophy is “a little from column A, a little from column B.”

You’re going to see his show, like: “tonight, we will be looking at the truth of the deadly coronavirus vaccine, allegedly designed for a fake virus that doesn’t even exist, and also demanding that our viewers eat insects in order to change the weather and save Mother Gaia.”

There are about six million angles by which Donald Trump could be confronted from the right, instead of pushing the election hoax. If Morgan – a man who hates niggers so much he was literally fired from his previous job for hating niggers – wanted drama, he could have said “why did you spend your presidency focusing on helping useless black people instead of your own voters?”

Or ask him about the vaccine.

Or why he called his own supporters terrorists.

Ask him why, to this day, he won’t do anything to help the January 6 protesters who are rotting in prison.

Ask him why he sent deadly weapons and elite training to the Ukraine, making this disastrous conflict possible.

Many such questions.