Trump Gave a Rally Speech (I Didn’t Watch It)

Editor’s Note: I feel like I need to post all of these Trump speeches given that boomers, who I assume are the only people still interested in watching them, legitimately cannot find them on the internet. No Trump speech is allowed on YouTube – you’re not even allowed to interview Trump on YouTube. Moreover, Facebook bans links to Trump speeches. Please understand: this means that many baby boomers literally cannot find these speeches on the internet. At this point, posting these hidden speeches is a moral obligation for anyone who believes in the freedom of speech. I believe that Trump has transformed from a hero into a pure villain – he is a vaxer – but this situation of making it so people are prevented completely from hearing what he is saying is outrageous beyond words.

I can’t watch Trump’s speeches anymore.

It’s like in that movie Pet Sematary when the dad tried to cuddle with his evil zombie son.

When Trump says “take the vax,” I literally feel like someone is raping the anus of my soul.

I don’t mean to be crude, but I just can’t think of any other way to communicate this emotion.

I just don’t feel comfortable.

I didn’t watch his most recent rally.

What did the Russians say?


The US is being forced to negotiate oil supplies with Russia and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) due to the loss of energy independence under the current administration, the former US president has said.

“For the first time, we had secured our energy independence. Now they are asking OPEC, Russia, and other countries to send us some oil,” Donald Trump said, speaking at the ‘Save America’ rally at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines on Saturday.

“By the time I left office, we had more energy – more oil and gas – than Saudi Arabia, than Russia. And now we are asking them for help,” TASS quotes the US ex-president as having said.

The White House reportedly applied to OPEC and its allies, led by Russia, back in August. Back then, the cartel ignored the US’ petition to increase crude output faster than planned. It said it was sticking to the existing pact for a gradual increase by 400,000 barrels per day from November.

Earlier this week, US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said she wasn’t ruling out reimposing a ban on crude oil exports that had been lifted back in 2015.



Well, I don’t care about that!

What do I care about???



Just remember: if Trump tells you to take the vax, all that means is that Satan is in control of the world, and all of our leaders have been totally corrupted to the point where they are telling you to succumb to Satan’s order.

Keep your mind clear and your head straight and resist…!

I also miss Trump – probably even more than you do, frankly.

But it doesn’t matter anymore!

He’s turned!

He’s with the vaxers!

That’s all that needs to be said!

He’s a vaxer now!

Donald Trump is Pet Sematary Trump.

He is a vaxer.

There are two kinds of people: vaxers and anti-vaxers, and he is a vaxer, just like Mitch McConnell.

I recently saw some vaxer propaganda that said “all your leaders are vaxers.”

Watch it.

Well, they’re not my leaders.

I do not follow any vaxer.