Trump Intern Flashes Alt-Right Symbol in Group Photo

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
December 31, 2017

The Nazis aren’t coming – we’re already here.

Jews and bugmen like to fantasize that Trump is sending dog-whistles to the alt-right, and is pandering to a Neo-Nazi voter base.

But that’s wrong.

In fact, things are much more dire for our enemies. The entire White House is filled to the brim with undercover shitlords working hard to implement Trump’s neo-fascist agenda involving space travel, building walls, gassing kikes and of course, forcing kids to watch Paw Patrol and Thomas the Tank Engine in order to brainwash them into loving Hitler.

It’s time to become a lot more nervous than you already are, Jews, because we’re hitting levels of goyim knowing that shouldn’t even be possible.

Daily Mail:

A former White House intern is coming under fire after flashing a known ‘white power’ sign during a photo-op with President Donald Trump.

The damning evidence in question.

Jack Breuer, who graduated from Emory University in Atlanta this year, is clearly bucking orders — personally given by the president — to give a thumbs-up in the picture that was taken in the White House in November.

Or so you believe – do you really think he isn’t following another, more secret set of orders from Trump?

I’m not saying he is.

I’m saying you should be far more paranoid than you already are.

Don’t forget to check under your bed for Nazis as well.

While the other hundred or so interns smile and follow Trump’s command, Breuer, a dentist’s son who grew up in Chicago’s western suburbs, stands stony-faced giving the ‘OK’ sign that has been linked with far-right groups.

It is the same sign that white nationalist Richard Spencer gave on the steps of the Trump International Hotel on election night and that right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos posed with in front of the White House.

And they’re not the only ones.

This is pretty damning tbh.

It was also seen at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August – the same day an alleged Nazi sympathizer accelerated his car into anti-protesters, killing one and injuring several others.

All those surrounding Breuer on the right side of the picture are using their left hands to give their thumbs-up, with him standing out by using his right hand.

The gesture – which only makes sense if made with the right hand, although there are examples of people making it with their left hand – is said to depict the letter ‘W’ with the outstretched middle, ring and little fingers, and a ‘P’ with the circle made by the thumb and forefinger stretching down to the wrist. Together ‘WP’ stands for White Power.

This is known.

Not only are his interns flashing White power symbols, but the man himself is also known to the same, as a kind of “frog whistle” to the alt-right.

With all the work he’s been doing, it’s normal Trump hasn’t caught up with the latest Alt-Right fashion and issued a “toad” whistle for the groyper crowd. But I assume this is coming soon.

The White House is already ours – we’re already working on securing the senate, infiltrating it with our agents. And if these Jews think they can stop Bannonism with more grope allegations and electoral fraud, they’ve got another thing coming to them.

In 2018, the cucks are getting cleansed from congress. And you better hope they do, Jews. Because in the event they don’t, democracy will be discredited once and for all, and you’re not going to like what comes after that.