Turkey Dares the US to Make a Move as Russia Ships in YUGE Weapons

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 13, 2019

Paradoxically, Donald Trump is serving the goals of white Americans by doing the exact opposite of what we elected him to do. And that’s a good thing.

You may recall that we elected him to end immigration, deport millions of illegals, clean up the domestic situation with regards to drug abuse and suicide, and to end foreign wars and make peace with Russia. As president, Trump has overseen the greatest influx of immigrants in history, has allowed drug abuse and suicide to continue to climb, has engaged in a completely unhinged campaign to bully and menace the entire world in support of Jewish interests, and started a new Cold War with Russia.

What is happening is that the rest of the world is seeing that the American Empire is without question on the brink of complete and total collapse. Everyone is fleeing from this rapidly sinking ship of suicidal tendencies and increasingly pathological aggression and incompetence. And this is in turn weakening the American Empire further.

It is a combination of internal and external pressures that play off of one another, and feed one another.

No one wants to be involved in the Jewish military projects of the US. No one wants a war with Iran. No one wants a war with Russia. These are things that simply do not interest anyone other than the Jews. At the same time, the level of immigration and general social unrest and upheaval is very quickly going to make it all the more difficult for America to serve in its role as global bully.

People are backing the hell away.

Long-time ally and NATO member Turkey just completely telling America to fuck off, and buying weapons from Russia, and daring ZOG to do something, is a rather major historical event in the process of the decline and fall of the American Empire.


Russia flew a fresh shipment of advanced air defense equipment to Turkey on Saturday, the Turkish Defence Ministry said, continuing to implement a deal that is likely to trigger U.S. sanctions against a NATO ally.

The ministry said a fourth Russian cargo plane landed at the Murted air base near the Turkish capital Ankara, a day after three huge Russian air force AN-124 planes offloaded equipment at the base.

Washington has tried for months to prevent the deal, arguing that the Russian S-400 air defense system is incompatible with NATO systems. It also says that if the S-400s are deployed near U.S. F-35 jets, which Turkey is buying and helping to produce, they would undermine the stealth fighter planes’ defenses.

U.S. officials had warned that Turkey would be thrown off the F-35 program if it took delivery of the S-400s, and would also face sanctions under U.S. legislation seeking to prevent countries from buying military equipment from Russia.

Turkey says S-400 is a strategic defense requirement, above all to secure its southern borders with Syria and Iraq. It says that when it made the deal with Russia for the S-400s, the United States and Europe had not presented a viable alternative.

The dispute between the countries with the two largest armies in NATO marks a deep division in the Western military alliance, which was forged after World War Two to counter Moscow’s military power.

Reaction from Washington was limited on Friday, with acting Defense Secretary Mark Esper saying the U.S. stance had not changed. Esper later spoke with Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar.

We’re looking at a situation where every nation that isn’t completely controlled by Jews is making for the door.

Japan is beginning to line itself up with China, the Philippines is cozying up to China, and Europe is becoming increasingly nervous about the insane war agenda of the Trump administration.

And it was only a figure so hated as Trump that would have been able to pull this off.

Think of it: he is hated for the reasons that we liked him, but now he is doing the opposite of what we wanted him to do, and this is setting the stage for the end of the American Nightmare.

So What About Us?

What we, the American people, are looking at is a situation wherein we either get invaded by Russia and China, or the entire system simply collapses under its own weight over a period of decades. Either way, this beast system that is the American ZOG Empire is in its last stages, and when it falls, we will be able to collect ourselves among the ruins.