Twitter Bringing Back 2020 Policy of Censoring All Non-Democrat Posts

It’s cartoonish and kind of like satire that Twitter will claim to be some kind of “open platform” and then just announce publicly that they are banning all information that could harm the Democrat Party in elections.


Twitter announced on Thursday that it would reactivate the enforcement of rules first introduced ahead of the 2020 US presidential election, prompting a furious reaction from Republican supporters.

Former Trump aide Jason Miller, who started a rival social media company Gettr, condemned the news as an “attempt from Twitter’s liberal executives to control the outcome of elections and the democratic process,” calling them “a repeat of their interference in the 2020 election.”

The Silicon Valley social media giant said it will label “misinformation” and prevent its sharing, promote “reputable news outlets,” and “prebunk” any “misleading narratives” about election results. The move comes roughly three months ahead of the US congressional midterms.


That language.

Someone has to have been laughing while they wrote that.

The “Civic Integrity Policy” applies to all elections globally, Twitter explained in an unsigned blog post, adding that it aims to counter “misleading claims intended to undermine public confidence in an election – including false information about the outcome.”

Yeah, they literally interfere with elections in like, Africa.

Africans are much more civilized than whites and will actually ban these social media companies. Twitter actually whined publicly when Uganda blocked them from interfering in their elections.

Frankly, white people are pathetic worms, except for maybe some Russians and some hill people in whichever country.

Africans see these kike companies trying to manipulate their elections and they’re like “I don’t think so, nigger.”

White people are literally this meme:

So pathetic.

People are like “is the white race worth saving?” and I’m like “no, but…”

But what?

I don’t even care at this point.

I mostly just want to see everyone die.

I just want to be a Stalker.