It’s important that the revolution not be mocked. Thus, a big part of the corporate-run revolution machine is dedicated to policing jokes.
Donald Trump posted a meme video of a black toddler being chased by a white toddler, with a CNN chyron reading “terrified toddler runs from racist baby.”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2020
Twitter decided that it was necessary to inform people that this was in fact not a real video from CNN, inserting a “manipulated media” tag into Trump’s tweet.
Following that action, they decided to go ahead and delete the tweet entirely, claiming that it violated copyright.
Of course, it didn’t violate copyright. You’re allowed to use little clips from things to make memes under the doctrine of “fair use.”
I think the whole situation must have been embarrassing to them, having felt the need to inform people that a piece of humor was “doctored,” as if they are so humorless they saw the video and wondered themselves if it had actually run on CNN.
This might just seem like a funny, silly situation. But it is something that we should take note of. When the current revolutionary system achieves its goal of completely taking over law enforcement, jokes will be considered serious business. “High Crimes and Memedemeanors,” they may call it.
The new cops, which will be called “social workers,” absolutely will show up to your house for memes you posted on the internet. There is zero chance that this will not happen.
It will likely happen to you personally if you don’t take my advice and get outside of the main cities.
Beyond that, censoring Trump’s tweet was just about flexing on him, showing just how far they’re going to go in manipulating his prospects in the election, and gloating that there is nothing he can do about it.