They’re saying they won’t give him the “grace” they’re giving him now.
Donald Trump could lose more than just the presidency this January. Twitter has confirmed that, if Trump leaves office, he will no longer receive special treatment as a “newsworthy individual”.
Twitter’s policy around newsworthiness protects certain people – such as elected officials with more than 250,000 followers – from having their accounts suspended or banned for rule infractions that would otherwise lead to severe penalties.
That policy is what has led to the company muting, but not removing, at least 12 tweets from the US president over the past week that cast doubt on the democratic process.
But, Twitter has confirmed, the policy does not apply to former elected officials. They have to follow the same rules as everyone else, and if a tweet breaks those rules, it gets removed. Were Trump to continue breaking Twitter’s rules regularly post-presidency, his account could be suspended.
“Twitter’s approach to world leaders, candidates and public officials is based on the principle that people should be able to choose to see what their leaders are saying with clear context,” a spokesman told the Guardian. “This means that we may apply warnings and labels, and limit engagement to certain Tweets. This policy framework applies to current world leaders and candidates for office, and not private citizens when they no longer hold these positions.”
They’re the bosses of the world.

They decide what you can think.
That will present Trump with a choice once he leaves office: either tone down the rhetoric or face the prospect of his hugely influential following being taken away from him.
On Wednesday, the Democratic representative Gerry Connolly of Virginia called on Twitter in a tweet to “suspend his account”.
“This is pure disinformation. Valid votes are being counted. This is America, not Russia,” he said in response to Trump tweets that included baseless suggestions of voter fraud.
In Russia, they have freedom of speech. They do not have this idea where it is valid for private interests to take you basic rights from you.
This is most definitely not Russia.
David Cicilline, a Democrat and Rhode Island representative, also called for Twitter to suspend Trump’s account for “posting lies and misinformation at a breathtaking clip”. Cicilline is the chair of the House antitrust subcommittee and has targeted Twitter with pointed questioning in recent hearings.
On Thursday, the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and the watchdog group Common Cause submitted a joint letter to Jack Dorsey, the Twitter CEO, requesting Trump’s account be temporarily suspended to prevent the spread of misinformation about the election.
Imagine that people in the US government are calling for the president to be stripped of his First Amendment rights.
Just… imagine that this is where we are.

I hate to keep telling you this, but let me just say: three years ago, I was the first person banned from everything on the internet. The media called for my ban. I wouldn’t have been banned if it wasn’t for the media. They said: “This is a special case, this man is a neo-Nazi and a white supremacist, he must be silenced, we need to make a special rule just for him.”
Now – a mere three years later – they are openly frothing at the mouth, demanding the President of the United States be silenced for “disinformation.” They have decided what is true, therefore, being the arbiters of truth, and the ones who determine the nature of reality itself, they are in a position to decide what you think.
You will remember that in 2017, I explained that it was only a matter of time before they started banning others, and I asked everyone to stand with me. I said: “you don’t have to sign off on a single thing I said – just say ‘I’m not signing off on what he said, but if he’s not breaking the law, the First Amendment applies to him as much as anyone else.”
The people who said that?
I only remember Sargon of Akkad and Tucker Carlson.
Oh – and the LA Times.
Alex Jones, bizarrely didn’t defend me, even though he was the obvious next step. It was probably personal – I was pretty hard on him over some stuff. And that’s okay. Sure. Okay.
Others had their own reasons, I’m sure. But this is where we are now, because of decisions that were made.
I suspect they will ban Trump very soon. As soon as the media decides Joe Biden has won the election.
You know who’s behind this though, right?
It’s not Jack Dorsey.
It’s the Indians.