UK: Rishi Sunak Announces Deportation of Illegal Immigrants

Rishi should deport himself.

I still don’t understand why there is a Pakistani in charge of the UK government.


Anyone arriving illegally in Britain will be prevented from staying, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said in an interview published on Sunday, ahead of new legislation which is expected to be set out next week.

Under pressure from his own lawmakers to find a solution to the flow of migrants arriving in Britain across the channel from Europe, Sunak has made stopping small boats one of his five key priorities.

Make no mistake, if you come here illegally, you will not be able to stay,” Sunak told the Mail on Sunday newspaper.

Under current practice, asylum seekers who reach Britain are often able to remain in the country to have their case heard.

A new law to tackle the issue is due to be set out on Tuesday, the newspaper reported, after more than 45,000 people made the perilous crossing last year. Asylum applications to the United Kingdom are below the European Union average, official data shows.

Asked on Sky News whether those arriving in Britain illegally would be banned from claiming asylum, government minister Chris Heaton-Harris said: “I believe so, yes.”

Should people come to this country illegally then they will be returned or sent to somewhere like Rwanda.”

The Mail on Sunday reported that under the new law asylum claims from those who arrive on small boats would be ruled inadmissible and they would be removed and permanently banned from returning.

This isn’t going to happen in real life.

Rishi, along with being an invader himself, is a frontman for the banks and other money powers, and those powers, for a long list of reasons, are trying to exterminate white people.

We’ve so far not seen any single leader in the Western world, save Donald Trump himself, attempt to stop the flow of immigrants, let alone send home the ones that are already here.