US Border: Authorities Seize Enough Fentanyl to Kill Over a Billion People

Mexicans shipping in fentanyl?

Why would China do this??

New York Post:

Enough fentanyl has been seized at US borders in just the last three months to kill over a billion people, a top-ranking border official admitted Tuesday.

The revelation came as two US Border Patrol chiefs were grilled during a Congressional hearing on border security.

Rep. Tim Burchett cited Customs and Border Patrol figures that at least 9,400 lbs of the ultra-dangerous synthetic drug has been stopped from entering the country since October, about 7,200 lbs of which was seized at the southern border.

That’s enough fentanyl to kill every American five times over,” the Republican from Tennessee pointed out.

The US population was recorded at 332m in the 2021 census.

The lawmaker’s math was based on Drug Enforcement Administration information that as little as two milligrams of the synthetic opioid — an amount so small it easily fits on a pencil tip — is enough to kill a person.

The killer drug is 50 times more powerful than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. Although it is used as a painkiller in hospitals, it has to be professionally handled and administered to prevent overdoses.

However, fentanyl is increasingly killing people who don’t even know they’re using it, as it’s often cut into pills that look like prescription pills and are sold as “Oxytocin” or “Xanax” but actually lead to overdoses and death for people who don’t know what they’re taking or how strong it is. In 2022, synthetic opiate deaths averaged over 70,000 a month, according to official data, the highest amounts on record.

Let’s be real: blaming China for the fentanyl is retarded and just an obvious war scam.

You ask these neocons why they want a war with China and they say TikTok and fentanyl.

TikTok only has the same app permissions as every other app on the app store, which means if it is spying then every app is spying. Fentanyl is from Mexico.

What they say is that the Mexicans order the “ingredients” from China. It’s not even clear if that is true (they do not have any evidence of this claim), but the “ingredients” used to make fentanyl are just normal industrial chemicals. They’re not illegal in themselves. China is allowed to sell industrial chemicals.

Meanwhile, the US refuses to even arrest people for selling fentanyl, let alone close the border from where it is flowing in.

The Chinese are not the problem here, and anyone telling you China is the problem is lying to you to protect American politicians and oligarchs.