WaPo: Trump is Literally Erdogan

Daily Stormer
July 3, 2017


The analysis is in folks.

Trump is about to round up journalists and professors, before faking a coup against himself and then establish a hardcore dictatorship.

I sure hope WaPo is right about this.

Washington Post :

There is a surreal goofiness to President Trump’s relentless war on America’s mainstream media. The disgruntled president responds to negative covfefe with cheesy hashtags and nicknames for his perceived adversaries: There’s “psycho” Joe Scarborough and “low I.Q. crazy” Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC, the “failing” New York Times and The Washington Post (for the record, we’re both doing pretty well in the age of Trump), and Trump’s favorite target, “fake” or “fraud” CNN.

Trump is ravaging his enemies, with nothing but his brilliant prose and memes.

A Trump tweet is having more effect than a tactical nuke on these people.

These faggots were worried about Trump having the nuclear codes. Little did they know, they should have been more worried about him controlling his twitter account.

On Sunday, Trump, who was sitting at a golf course he owns in New Jersey, tweeted a childish clip of him wrestling down a person representing CNN.

Who’s more childish? The one making a joke, or the one responding to it as if it was annudah shoah?

At a time when a GOP politician has actually body-slammed a journalist, it wasn’t funny. Brian Stelter, CNN’s media reporter, tweeted a CNN statement saying it was “a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters.”

It wasn’t funny?

Imma stop you right there, boy.

It was really, really funny.

Like, I laughed to myself for a solid minute contemplating the fact that the President of the United States of America tweeted a meme of himself body slamming the media.

The mere fact that this guy claims that’s not funny really makes everything else he says suspect.

In fact, who is even writing this?


Some kind of Paki. Figures. These people wouldn’t know funny if it ran them over in a freight train.

But for Trump, the relentless drumbeat of anger against the press is a clear political tactic, designed to stoke his base and build up a narrative of victimization. The president has complained virtually nonstop since taking office about the supposedly unfair coverage surrounding the White House, casting journalists as the opposition. He has also repeatedly broken assumed conventions of decency in American politics, fanned the flames of right-wing extremism among his support, and shamelessly spouted numerous falsehoods on both trivial and consequential matters. His behavior has compelled the press coverage he now decries.

Of course, there’s a legitimate conversation to be had about whether the media is “biased” against Trump, a president who radically reshaped the political climate in Washington. This week, for instance, CNN was forced to retract a botched investigative story on the Trump camp’s Russian connections. The network even let go three senior journalists associated with the piece.

Forgetting something, Ishaan?

Yeah, I’m guessing this is something people in the media would rather forget about.

Trump is hardly the first politician to “weaponize distrust” of the media. In the wake of Trump’s Sunday tweet, Richard Haass, the president of the indisputably bipartisan Council on Foreign Relations, likened Trump’s rhetoric to that of a more practiced strongman president.


You couldn’t mean…


Oh, Erdogan.

Isn’t that sort of… Islamophobic, or something?

The stakes in Turkey are, of course, profoundly greater. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan withstood a violent coup attempt a year ago, which prompted his government to embark on a vast purge of state institutions and civil society. More than 100 journalists have been thrown into prison or forced into exile. Dozens of media outlets have been closed or taken over by state authorities. Newspapers that were once titans of the establishment have seen their editors criminalized and offices raided.

Yes… Yes, YES!

That’s exactly what we need now.

But there are some important similarities to bear in mind. Both Erdogan and Trump channel a kind of majoritarian nationalism anchored in grievance at cosmopolitan elites. And both paint their critics as threats to the nation. Over the weekend, Erdogan labeled a peaceful opposition protest march from Ankara to Istanbul as the work of “terrorist” sympathizers.

(((Cosmopolitan elites))).

The echoes of Erdogan in Trump’s political style offer an uncomfortable new reality for Americans, suggested Financial Times columnist Gideon Rachman.

“It is that, given enough time, any democratic system is vulnerable to assaults from a determined, dictatorial leader,” wrote Rachman earlier this year. “Mr. Erdogan became prime minister in 2003 and, over time, utterly changed his country. As one Turkish intellectual put it to me … ‘Things that I would once have thought impossible are now happening on a daily basis.’”

We can only hope, Ishaan. We can only hope.

The level of fear and paranoia within the media is hitting fever pitch. It used to be that these journalist rats merely feared for their social programs and the protected status of their favorite perversions.

But now, they’re starting to fear for their jobs – or their very lives. They know, at a subconscious level, at least, that they’re guilty of fraud and treason. And like rats, they’re now wiggling away to escape punishment for their crimes using the only means they have – writing insipid op-eds in their failing newspapers.
