Watch: Israeli Forces Enter Mosque in Jerusalem, Hurt 117+ Palestinians

When will Joe Biden start sending billions of dollars to the Palestinians to protect the sovereignty of their borders?

New York Post:

Israeli security forces entered the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem before dawn on Friday as thousands of Palestinians were gathered for prayers during the holy month of Ramadan, setting off clashes that medics said wounded at least 117 Palestinians.

Israel said its forces entered to remove rocks and stones that had been gathered in anticipation of violence. The holy site, which is sacred to Jews and Muslims, has often been the epicenter of Israeli-Palestinian unrest, and tensions were already heightened amid a recent wave of violence. Clashes at the site last year helped spark an 11-day war with Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.

The clashes come at a particularly sensitive time. Ramadan this year coincides with Passover, a major weeklong Jewish holiday beginning Friday at sundown, and Christian holy week, which culminates on Easter Sunday. The holidays are expected to bring tens of thousands of faithful into Jerusalem’s Old City, home to major sites sacred to all three religions.

Videos circulating online showed Palestinians hurling rocks and fireworks and police firing tear gas and stun grenades on the sprawling esplanade surrounding the mosque. Others showed worshippers barricading themselves inside the mosque itself amid what appeared to be clouds of tear gas.

The Palestinian Red Crescent emergency service said it treated 117 people, many of them wounded by rubber-coated bullets or stun grenades, or beaten with batons. The endowment said one of the guards at the site was shot in the eye with a rubber bullet.

It’s a joke to say, obviously – but the question of how Americans believe the Ukraine is the most important conflict in all of history, yet ignore what is going on in Palestine shows that everything Americans think is dictated to them by Jews.

Ukraine is the most Jewish country aside from Israel itself.

So Christians invading the Ukraine is bad.

But Israel invading and occupying Palestine is good – no matter how many people they hurt.