Watch: Muchos Migrantes Overcrowding El Paso, Texas

In other news, the border is completely open.

There has never been a movement of people like this in the entire history of the world.

It’s much more extreme than anything that happened during World War II.

New York Post:

A Texas congressman who represents hundreds of miles along the southern border called the situation in El Paso “dire” Sunday morning as he provided footage of one overrun migrant processing center.

During an interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” GOP Rep. Tony Gonzales said the conditions he saw at one processing center he’d “never seen before” with more than 500 migrants to one “pod” that typically holds about 100 people.

Fears keep growing that once Title 42 – and Trump-era order related to the COVID pandemic that allows border agents to quickly boot migrants back across the border – ends Dec. 21 that even more people will flood the border.

El Paso’s mayor even declared a state of emergency after he resisted calls to make that move for weeks as the border community continues to face a heavy burden from the influx of migrants coming over.

As you know, the city declared a state of emergency,” Gonzales told CBS. “This is something you do when there’s a hurricane, a fire or an earthquake.

What is happening is it’s a hurricane of migrants, and everyone is impacted.”

Basically, the virus hoax, the economy, the global geopolitical situation, and other things have turned people’s attention away from the border.

Related: Feds Say Arizona Border Wall Made with Shipping Containers “Illegal”

On some level, it could be said that the situation is so totally out of control, and there are so many of these people in our country, that it doesn’t really matter what the exact numbers are.

But it sure is a mess.

These people are going to bleed dry whatever is left of this country.

But maybe that’s a good thing?

When there is no more blood left to drink, they will all go home to their hovels.