Rep. Brian Mast says there are no “innocent Palestinian civilians” in the same way that there were no “innocent Nazi civilians” during WW2.
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— AF Post (@AFpost) November 1, 2023
The Sex Pistols said “no one is innocent.” But I think they meant it in a philosophical way. We are all born sinners. Plus, it was after both Sid and Johnny were gone from the band, and at that point, who really gives a shit anyway?
Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) declared Wednesday that there were “very few innocent Palestinian civilians” living in Gaza and compared the plight of the noncombatants to “innocent Nazi civilians” during World War II.
“I would encourage the other side to not so lightly throw around the idea of ‘innocent Palestinian civilians’ as is frequently said,” the Florida Republican said on the House floor.
This is really an outrage. This is an Israeli talking point that a guy who doesn’t even have legs is being paid to shill in the American government.
Why are foreign agents allowed to work in the government at all? Shouldn’t they at least have to wear some kind of badge that marks them?
Shouldn’t they at least have legs?
“I don’t think we would so lightly throw around the term ‘innocent Nazi civilians’ during World War II.”
Actually, we did.
The concept of “innocents in a war” is very sacred and ancient.
Mast, a staunch supporter of Israel who has volunteered alongside the Israeli Defense Forces in the past, criticized the “antisemitic teachings” in Palestinian schools.
Shut up, faggot.
No legs.

It’s very easy to talk tough when you know no one is going to do anything because you don’t have any legs.
“The list goes on and on of the examples we can give of what somebody might just call a rank-and-file Gazan, or rank-and-file person in the West Bank, or just a Palestinian – that maybe they don’t say, falls under the name of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad – but by any classical definition would absolutely be considered a terrorist, somebody that in the last couple of weeks had been conducting kidnappings, murders, brutality that is nearly unspeakable,” he said. “I would ask that it be looked at through that lens.”
“There’s not this far stretch to say there are very few innocent Palestinian civilians,” Mast argued. “I haven’t seen the videos of the innocent Palestinian civilians that were out there trying to protect the Israelis, that were out there trying to stop attacks.”
This is outrageous, and should be condemned by absolutely everyone.
Half the population of Gaza is under 18, and half of those are less than 9 years old. The overwhelming majority of people the Jews are killing are small children.
Even if you assumed every adult in Palestine is a “terrorist,” only under Jew law can children be killed for the actions of their parents.
However, in America, the law is “you have to have legs or you’re a faggot.”
Isn’t there some whining Mongoloid woman with no legs as well?
Enough is enough.
If you don’t have legs, or if your legs don’t work (looking at you, Texas), you’re not fit to steer the ship of state, period.