We Got the Best Win We Could Have Imagined

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 10, 2016


After the depressing debacle in Iowa, where evangelical villagers voted for the snakelike weasel and hammer of the Jews Ted Cruz, we last night won a victory better than any victory we could have asked for.

Not only did we win first place by double the second place score, the cuck vote was totally split.


Kasich, Cruz, Bush and Rubio each got relevant portions of the vote. No clear cuck opponent emerged. So much of the way South Carolina and Nevada will vote will be based on these results – and those who prefer a shill over a real pro-American candidate don’t know who to vote for.

Basically, there is almost zero difference between any of the non-Trump candidates, so the people who want to see America destroyed can vote for any of them and get the same result: a completely destroyed America.

But who will they vote for? They don’t know. The evangelical/baby boomer program to destroy America is in disarray, as no one is sure who their supposed to throw their evil support behind.

In New Hampshire, we ended up beating the polls.

And our polls in South Carolina and Nevada are very good.


Short of an assassination attempt, it looks like we President now.


Thanks to all the bros in NH.

You are the real America.

This is our land. Our Grandfathers gave it to us to give to our children and their children. They didn’t give it to our cuckold parents to give away for free to hordes of Moslems and Mexicans while they party at the beach.

The boomers never had any right to sell us down the river. “Posterity” means “future generations.”

This is ours.

All of the land, all of the wealth, everything the eye can see.

It’s ours.

No single piece of this country belongs to anyone other than you, me and our babies and their babies after them.

By any means necessary.

From my cold dead hands.


Hail Victory.