WEF: Zelensky Uses Friendly Facial Expressions to Demand Fast Shipments of Heavy Tanks

Of course, Vladimir Zelensky is the center of attention at this year’s globalist conspiracy conference in Davos.

He was able to successfully woo these global overlords with his honest good looks and his easy charm.

The Guardian:

Volodymyr Zelenskiy has stepped up calls for Ukraine’s army to be supplied with heavy tanks and urged “resolve and speed” of decision-making from western allies in the face of resistance from the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz.

Addressing a packed gathering at the World Economic Forum in Davos via video link on Wednesday, Ukraine’s president warned that “tyranny is outpacing democracy” as Germany hesitates over whether to supply the country with Leopard 2 tanks.

Germany is against democracy.

They are tyrannical.

They are Nazis, in fact.

Scholz dashed hopes that he would announce a decision to supply Ukraine with heavy tanks in his keynote speech in Davos earlier in the day, making no new weapon commitments and warning the world needed to avoid escalating the conflict into a war between Russia and Nato.

Instead, Scholz ran through a list of the military hardware Germany was supplying and stressed his country’s determination to ensure Ukraine triumphed.

Scholz is acting like he’s trying this best to pull out of this whole thing, especially after the US bombed Germany’s pipes and then laughed in their faces.

But he won’t actually do anything. He’ll just act like he’s doing something by holding off for a little while and then totally capitulating.

But speaking hours after a helicopter crash near a suburb of Kyiv that killed 14 people, including Ukraine’s interior minister, Denys Monastyrsky, Zelenskiy said that Ukraine cannot afford to wait for Russia to regroup.

Russia doesn’t need to regroup when you’re killing your own top government officials with helicopter sabotage.

That came after the top advisor to Zelensky was fired.

There is trouble in democracy paradise.

The world must not hesitate today and ever. When the evil seeks revenge the world needs resolve and speed,” said Zelenskiy.

The supply of Ukraine with air defence systems must outpace Russia’s next missile attacks. The supply of western tanks must outpace another invasion of Russian tanks.

The restoration of security and peace in Ukraine must outpace Russia’s attacks on security and peace in other countries.”

They’re going to get all the tanks they want.

And with the Ukraine military having been completely replaced with NATO-trained Poles and Romanians being commanded by American troops, this is now a very different war than it was a year ago.

Russia is going to have to do something different.