Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 11, 2020

All human interaction attests to the ABSOLUTE SUPREMACY of the WHITE RACE.
And of course, the Democrat primaries are no exception.
Of course, the fact that only whites (and the Jew Bernie) are going to be on the stage in the next debate is a result of “democratic processes,” meaning that the people themselves decided that they didn’t want any “colored folk” in their politics.
But that doesn’t stop the media from blaming the party – and the entire country as a whole (the latter being the group actually responsible).
Only white candidates have qualified for next week’s Democratic presidential debate, the first time in this election cycle that no minority contender will make the stage. It’s a dynamic that critics say threatens to undercut the party’s rhetoric of inclusivity.
The race for the 2020 Democratic nomination kicked off last year with a historically diverse pool of candidates, including two black senators, a black mayor, a Hispanic former Cabinet secretary and an Asian businessman. Since then, all have either dropped out or failed to qualify for a spot on the stage, determined by poll numbers and donations.
Now the specter of an all-white debate in the mostly white state of Iowa is prompting concern among party activists.
They should be concerned.
With all the force that they’ve used to shove brown people down the throats of the masses, there is virtually zero interest.
The only brown person that ever interested the masses of people was the magical mulatto Barack Obama.
However, experts say that the main reason people liked Barack Obama was because of his great tits.
It may also have been that he acted like a white guy.
Furthermore, the disaster that was the Obama presidency may have turned people off from experimenting with brown politics.
“Both the way the primary is set up and the way debates are done are a problem,” said Rashad Robinson, executive director of Color of Change, a racial justice organization. “The system they have designed has suppressed the most loyal base of the Democratic Party.”
He added: “Anyone with an understanding of civil rights law understands how the rules can be set up to benefit some communities. The Democratic Party should look at the impact of these rules and question the results.”
He’s claiming that democratic principles should be ignored in order to forward a racial agenda.
The Democratic Party has held six debates so far, with the seventh scheduled for Tuesday. The party will host at least five additional debates in 2020.
Which would be great if they were actually interesting.
In fact, they are the opposite of interesting, and all these people do is say slogans at one another, like robots.
It is basically the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and I stopped watching them after the first two. I don’t even watch the highlights.
Candidates qualify based on public polling and the number of small donors they attract. Over time, those standards have risen, winnowing the field.
For Tuesday’s debate at Drake University in Des Moines, candidates must show contributions from 225,000 unique donors and reach 7 percent support in two polls of early states, or 5 percent in at least four polls of early states and national surveys.
It’s actually a relatively fair system, as these things go.
Obviously, it could be manipulated in various ways, but I do think that “the will of the people” (which is irrelevant to me, given that I understand that democracy is entirely based on advertising, but is at the core of their own belief system) is being enacted.
The latest survey, released hours before Friday’s midnight cutoff, showed the four top candidates clustered in the lead. The poll, sponsored by the Des Moines Register, CNN and Mediacom, showed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) attracting 20 percent of the vote; Sen. Elizabeth Warren garnering 17 percent, Pete Buttigieg at 16 percent and former vice president Joe Biden with 15 percent.
Wait, so Biden is at the bottom now?

When did this happen?
Nobody else achieved more than 10 percent in a poll with a margin of error of 3.7 percentage points.
The whiteness of the debate stage — and the top candidates — has been an issue for weeks. During the last debate, businessman Andrew Yang called it “an honor and disappointment” to be the only person of color included.
Yeah and most people don’t even include “yellow” as a color, because Mongoloid Asians have IQs and general competence levels on par with whites, which defeats the entire purpose of the social justice agenda.
Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) told the Associated Press this week that he had one of his best fundraising days during the December debate, even though he wasn’t on the stage, because of the “reaction of the absence of me, and frankly, people with more diverse lived experiences.”
“Lived experience” is a really 2010s phrase.
Really stale memes, Cory.
The Democratic National Committee, which runs the debates, has defended its rules, saying the requirements were set well in advance and that the stage reflects the preferences of voters, including voters of color.
“We’ve set forth a clear set of transparent, inclusive rules,” DNC chairman Tom Perez said this week in an interview with MSNBC, adding: “We set those rules out in advance. And it’s for the voters to decide.”
The responsibility for increasing diversity lays with the voters, he said.
“If you want to make sure that a candidate of color makes the debate stage, when a pollster calls you, make sure you make that preference felt,” Perez said. “Because that is how you move the polling needle and, again, the voters are the ones who are making these decisions.”
This is what I’m saying.
If you want to call someone racist, call the entire country racist.
Including the blacks, who all supported Joe and Bernie over Kamala and Cory.
But according to people who white knight for colored people, there is blame to go around.
But critics believe the party isn’t being introspective enough.
“The fact that they are defending the process and saying it is fair is troublesome,” Robinson said. “At this point, I don’t know what they can do to disrupt the rules. But let’s at least be honest about the result.”
The all-white stage reflects long-held societal biases among voters, said Aimee Allison, executive director of She the People, an organization that elevates women of color in politics.
She argued that the conversation this year around “electability,” a top concern among many, highlights how entrenched these ideas are.
“It’s a troubling indication of the built-in bias toward white men and white candidates over everyone else,” Allison said. “There is a deep cultural belief that hasn’t been adequately challenged.”
“Why are we assuming that a Biden” — who tops polls of black voters — “is a stronger candidate?” Allison added. “What is magic now? He was beaten by a younger African American candidate” in 2008, when Biden garnered just one percent of the vote in the Iowa caucuses before dropping out.
Yeah, that’s just a lot of blah blah blah.
The fact is this: everyone, including the blacks, are more comfortable with the idea of white people ruling over them.
The reasons for this are too complicated for a Democratic strategist to understand. This is a sociological phenomenon, that should be studied by academics and famous racist bloggers, and perhaps people on Twitter.
Simply whining about it and trying to bully voters, or bully the DNC for not predicting that voters wouldn’t choose colored people, is just pure sour grapes.
If these people really want change, they need to send the cops to people’s houses to threaten them if they don’t show support for blacks in phone polls.