Why Would You be Against Freedom of Speech?

Censorship babies are going nuts over a viral video of some woman (apparently from Boston) getting kicked off a plane for calling someone a faggot and then saying Elon Musk is going to bring back freedom of speech.

I didn’t really realize you could get kicked off a plane for saying “faggot,” although it’s standard to not be able to make a scene on a plane. However, the video starts after they’re already trying to kick this woman off, so we don’t know what actually started it.

Claiming that some woman shouting Elon Musk’s name means he’s responsible for her “hate” is a tedious and stupid argument anyway – but this is apparently the best they can come up with. These people are just completely flipping the hell out over the prospect of people they don’t like being able to speak. They all know that it is completely impossible for their ideas to win – what kind of person supports ideas that they know cannot win on the “marketplace of ideas”? If you can’t defend what you support then why would you support it?

Unless you’re an Islamic invader. I could understand in that case that you can’t explain why you should be allowed in this country.

I would also understand supporting censorship if you were getting paid $17 million a year to do censorship.

(How is that even possible?)

But excluding those things: I really have to assume that anyone who supports censorship just because they cannot support their own ideas is some kind of pederast or other deranged sicko.

Otherwise: don’t you want your ideas to be challenged? I love arguing my positions. I missed out on the best times of my life not being able to argue with coronavirus true believers and now Ukraine war hoaxsters.