Ye Agrees to Buy Ailing Parler Social Media Platform So He Can Talk

Ye has gone on a rampage against the sickening (blood-drinking, murderous) Jews, and he’s been censored everywhere.

He was lucky he was able to speak on Drink Champs over the weekend, but he can’t go on there every day.


Kanye West, who now goes by Ye, agreed to buy Parler, a conservative social media app, after other platforms suspended him over antisemitic posts.

“In a world where conservative opinions are considered to be controversial we have to make sure we have the right to freely express ourselves,” Ye said in a release.

Parler is one of several right-wing-friendly social media platforms to emerge in the Donald Trump era.

I’m not really sure this is a very good idea. Parler has been a disaster since launch. Maybe he can fix it, I don’t know. But it’s also suspicious because Candace Owens is one of Ye’s only confidants right now, and what does her husband do for work?

If I’m honest – and I’m just looking out for my boy here – it looks like Candace is using her influence with Ye to get him to buy this doomed website.

But hey – maybe there’s something I don’t know, and this actually is a good idea. I can’t say. There are a lot of things I don’t know. Ye does need a platform, especially given that this Elon Musk Twitter deal is so uncertain, and maybe Parler works now.

I’m not trying to be like, always negative. I’ve been supportive of Candace. But I also know she’s mobbed-up with so-called “Jew conservatives” – often know as “kikeservatives” – and I know that when Ye went to Death Con 3, Candace went out there and said the tweet didn’t mean anything.

Ye clarified on Drink Champs more than enough, and he said he’s an anti-Semite, so Candace can’t go out there and say “oh well, no one knows what he’s thinking.” Candace is going to have to choose between her previous, stable career as a house nigger for Ben Shapiro, and riding hard with Ye against these blood-drinking Christ-killers. There’s no more room on the fence because there’s no fence.

It’s bad optics to be doing deals involving family in the first place, but Owens’ family is particularly suspect. Her father-in-law is a British Lord and Baron and is rolling deep with the Jews.

I don’t know why Candace married a white guy in the first place, and I think it was a bad decision. Aside from my personal views on race-mixing, this puts her in a bad position to become the leader of the anti-woke blacks, because it makes her look like a shill. But she already has a kid with the guy, so it’s a bit late for regrets on that front.

Anyway: if this deal ends up being good for Ye, I support it. I’m all about my boy, and my only concern is that he becomes president of America and solves this Jewish problem once and for all.

We’ll see how this goes. I always hope for the best. I personally would prefer Twitter just stop being garbage, but if Parler is an option, I’ll take it. They were banning anti-Semitism before, but I’ll use the site if it stops doing that.