Zelensky Continues to Claim Russia Attacks Its Own Nuclear Power Plants, Sanctions Russian Nuclear Industry

Zelensky is a machine of logic and reasoning, similar to that fat nigger scientist from the Discovery Channel.

You just get knocked off your feet by how much sense this guy makes.


Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council has introduced sanctions on the Russian nuclear industry, President Vladimir Zelensky said in a statement on Sunday. The list of entities subject to the restrictions includes the Rosatom nuclear agency, as well as the company operating the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) – Europe’s biggest nuclear power station.

Zelensky accused Russian troops of shelling nuclear power stations in Ukraine and using them as “cover” for strikes.

“These are sufficient reasons for the Russian nuclear industry to be subjected to global sanctions,” he said. The president issued a decree on Sunday, which blacklisted a total of 200 entities for a period of 50 years.

The ZNPP once belonged to Ukraine but fell under Russian control in the spring of 2022. It is located in Zaporozhye Region, which formally joined Russia in autumn 2022 following a referendum, along with three other former Ukrainian territories, including the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, and Kherson Region.

Zelensky was obviously the one shelling the power plant, as we’ve covered here extensively. The UN went and investigated and their report was blocked from being released. They didn’t do that to protect Russia!

But basically, in order to support this war, you have to be such a bottom level retard that you will believe literally anything, including that Russia is shelling their own nuclear plant, which is quite possibly the dumbest claim ever made by anyone ever in history.

Part of how he gets away with all of this is that he’s just so darn handsome.

They’re still winning, by the way.

They’ve been on a year-long march to total victory, and the winning just keeps getting more and more winny.