Zelensky Whines That Goyim Want His War to End

Zelensky has sworn he’ll never put a shirt on again – ever.

Previously: Zelensky Claims “Victory Will be Ours” After 100 Days of Losing

Zelensky is vowing that the war will never end.

His army is completely destroyed – but he is building a second army from random people he grabbed off the street. Once this second army is deployed, it is going to be much better than the first army for some reason (no reason) – and that is when the winning will finally begin.


War-weariness over the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev is growing worldwide, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky admitted on Monday. Therefore, “people want some kind of result for themselves” and the pressure on the country to reach any kind peaceful resolution to the hostilities is growing, he claimed.

Of course, everyone wants to push us a little towards some kind of result, definitely unfavorable to us, because they don’t ask us yet, but it’s beneficial for certain parties that have their own interests, both financial, and political ones,” Zelensky told reporters.

What? Is he on drugs?

He did not elaborate on exactly what parties have been putting pressure on Ukraine to reach a peace deal with Moscow. The president himself, as well as other top Ukrainian officials, have repeatedly ruled out any possibility of territorial concessions to Russia, vowing to reclaim all of the country’s territory.

Yeah, that’s still the official line – every day they are losing ground and troops, but at some point in the future, for some reason or no reason at all, they are going to start winning again so hard that they are not only going to stop losing territory, but actually reclaim all of their lost territory – including Crimea.

The time is now for the goyim to shut up and do as they’re told.

He has the might of the US State Department behind him. He doesn’t need some Euro goy pushing him to stop fighting when he is on the brink of victory.

Victory forever! Shirt never!