Previously: Article Title: Addendum to Previous Article or “The First Illness Revelation”
Ever since I explicated, as part of the Illness Revelations, that alcoholism is a valid and perfectly healthy lifestyle decision, I’ve gotten messages falsely claiming that this information is inaccurate. In fact, it is completely accurate, but probably, the language needs clarification.
My use of the term “alcoholism” is ironic, meant to mock the concept.
“Alcoholism” is a hoax created by Alcoholics Anonymous. “Addiction,” as a general matter, is a baseless fraud invented by ninnying women and embraced by the psychiatric industry as an extremely profitable swindle. The best part about “addiction treatment” is that it has a virtually zero percent success rate, which means that people are return customers to these treatment programs until they eventually drink themselves to death or overdose and die.
These people claim that “addiction is a disease,” which is an utterly nonsensical statement on its face. What is a “behavioral disease”? This is like something Ben Shapiro would fast-talk you with. It’s meaningless mumbo-jumbo. “Disease” has a definition. It’s a physical ailment. Behavior cannot be a disease. Behavior is the macro result of the decision-making process.
Let’s deal with “alcoholism” first, and just get this out of the way so that everyone is clear on the matter. Let’s do definitions.
There is a DSM definition, which contains a list of bad behaviors.
Those are 11 bad behaviors. I don’t endorse any of them, except #3, and maybe I would argue #5 is invalid (because why would you stop drinking?). I also think giving up a social activity in order to stay home alone and drink and read or listen to music or whatever is not a problem, assuming the scale is not extreme. Overall, those are bad behaviors, resulting from bad personal decisions.
However, that’s what those items are: bad decision-making. It is not a disease or a mental disorder. If you find yourself doing these things, you need to take a step back, examine your behavior, and change it. What’s more, the DSM says that if you do only two of these, you have “the disease of alcoholism.” That’s mental. If you do any number of these things, let alone only two, then I would assume you’re going through a rough time in your life.
And here’s the thing: the only reason you would be doing these things is because of other problems in your life. The alcohol is not making you do these things. You are doing these things to deal with dread, financial and relational problems, stress, anxiety, etc. Basically, you need to find better coping mechanisms, you need to work and pray more and drink less. Maybe get into the gym and/or Counter-Strike.
The DSM is much more reasonable than AA, however. AA simply counts the number of drinks, without considering the other behavioral parameters. AA says that if you drink more than 14 drinks a week – that’s 2 a day, friend – then you are an “alcoholic.”
A drink is defined by one shot, so if you have a double as a nightcap before bed every day, you are an alcoholic, according to AA, which means that you have a behavioral disease that is a result of the existence of alcohol. For most of the last 9 or so years, I’ve drunk 5-7 shots a day. This is about one 1.5 liter bottle of vodka per week. Sometimes I’ve drank less (not less than one, unless I was taking a break, or I’ll get a headache), sometimes significantly more (though not recently). This makes me, according to AA, a triple alcoholic. And yet, I have no symptoms on the above list from the DSM (other than maybe sometimes preferring to stay home and drink alone and read or listen to music – sometimes video games, though I don’t drink much while gaming, it involves other parts of the brain – rather than socialize).
The concept is stupid, on every level.
There is “Problem Drinking” (Drunkenness) – But What’s the Cause?
Obviously, there are people who drink too much, and end up behaving badly. However, here’s the thing: all of these people have serious personal problems that do not involve alcohol. Sometimes, problem drinking can make the personal problems even worse (or better – it can prevent suicide or murder-suicide and so on). However, they are using the alcohol to escape from personal problems. No person who has a healthy family life and a stable job and church life becomes a sloppy stinking drunk on the street because he is “addicted to alcohol.”
There is pain that people dull with alcohol. That is its one purpose. If you have an extraordinary amount of pain, and you are not dealing with it with things other than alcohol, you can enter into out-of-control drinking.
Drug Addiction is Also a Hoax
Following the above explanation of how people drink too much because they have personal problems, people use drugs for this same purpose. I would include in that zone marijuana.
You won’t catch me riding on the Marrakesh Express. Though it’s very likely you’ll catch me listening to the song.
(That song is about hashish, but I’ve actually ridden the literal train from Casablanca to Marrakesh. I was hanging out at the back of the back car, throwing beer cans off the back, because beer was the only alcoholic beverage I could acquire in that Islamic nation. I do not smoke hashish – I drink alcohol. I want to apologize to the Arabs for the littering, but there was some concern about getting caught with the cans.)
The drugs are not the problem, the behavior is the problem. Of course, I support banning any hard drugs in a serious way, because I don’t see anything good about them in the way good comes from alcohol, but still – it’s not the drug’s fault.
No well-put together, happy family man living a fulfilling life ever became a junkie because he had a “behavior disease” that made him incapable of resisting shooting heroin. That is retarded. Everyone knows that’s retarded.
I watched part of the show “The Nick,” about early surgery in the late 18th century, and these doctors were just cutting people up, trying to save them, and they were basically all dying. One of the doctors was shooting heroin to deal with the emotional difficulty of trying to save people’s lives and constantly failing and seeing their corpses. One of the other doctors killed himself. I didn’t watch much of the show, because it was just too depressing, but it’s a good example of the kind of person who develops these behaviors. He was also living in a Chinese brothel (funniest way to add diversity to a show ever) and engaging in fornication, as part of the coping mechanism of the extreme stress.
In terms of the “addiction” element – even for the hardest drugs of all, detox/withdrawal takes one week (don’t argue with me that it could be up to two weeks – average is one week, and two weeks is a very short amount of time). This means you feel like shit, sleep a lot, have diarrhea. For a week. Everyone can do that. It’s very easy. That is not “addiction.” It’s detox.
There is no such thing as addiction.
I’m not the only person that says this. A lot of smart people said it.
Here’s the man himself.
It’s not an illness. It’s not a psychosis. It’s a series of bad decisions, which are generally made because you have serious problems in your life.
If you do not have serious problems in your life, you can drink a moderate amount, very easily, and it will help you feel better and enjoy life.
God invented alcohol. It’s everywhere in the world. It makes itself from basically any plant matter. Regular alcohol drinking has been the core life strategy of virtually all men, throughout all of history, with the exception of post-Islam Arabs and Moslems more generally. They do other things. Usually not mind-altering things, but marijuana is usually considered okay in Islam. At least in North Africa, everyone is smoking hashish all the time, and you watch them hit pipes before prayer. So these are religious Moslems.
Everywhere I’ve been in the world, more or less all men over the age of 30, and definitely over the age of 40, drink between 5 to 10 drinks per day. I would say that about 80% of the people who I consider very intelligent are significant drinkers. Further, every writer I’ve ever respected was a significant drinker.
I am a staunch defender of Adolf Hitler, and also the most prominent Putin shill in the English language. That might seem counterintuitive, but it’s really, really not. Hitler was against Slavs, but that is a complicated thing, which had a lot to do with hundreds of years of history, and then the Bolshevik Revolution (Hitler was aggressively anti-communist, obviously). I wish there would have been a deal between Hitler and Stalin, because Stalin was no Lenin, but that didn’t happen. Anyway, there is a quote from Hitler where he says “the Russian concept of civilization is whatever keeps the vodka flowing.” Even with my deep love for Russia, I always thought that was very funny. Then at some point, I realized: “Yeah, but what’s wrong with that?” We don’t want the vodka to stop flowing – the vodka keeps us alive.
One of the Illness Revelations is that all intelligent people are haunted by dread, and that even non-intelligent people have some form of struggle with internal pain that is constant. This comes from the fact that you are separated from God.
Drunkenness is a Sin

The Bible says clearly that “drunkenness is a sin.”
But what does that mean?
The definition of drunkenness is very clear: you are “drunk” in the Biblical sense when you’ve drunk enough alcohol to have lost your moral reasoning, lost control of your behavior, and you are therefore more likely to commit other sins. Primarily, these would be sexual sins (including lust), but it could also be getting in fights, or other things.
Of course, that’s not always an obvious threshold, so you have to be aware of your own body, your own tolerance. Obviously, “blackout” is drunkenness, but there is a point that you cross before blackout – sometimes after “pretty buzzed.” I think we all understand the concept, but in terms of how many drinks, you just have to be aware of your own limits, and drink responsibly, in order to avoid the sin of drunkenness.
Personally, I don’t even usually get buzzed. I drink to calm my nerves. It also helps with sleep. I do not get hangovers, ever.
I do know there was (and I guess technically still is) a point at which I drink enough that I say “okay, I’m going to the brothel.” But I am well aware that it takes three drinks behind my normal drinking for that thought to come up, and then about three past that for me to call a taxi. I do not even go into that realm, because I am a responsible, Christian drinker.
I Would Never Encourage Anyone to Start Drinking
I would think this is obvious, but I’m not encouraging anyone to start drinking. If you have your own coping mechanisms, and do not feel an urge to drink, and do not feel like you are sinking into the abyss, then you have no reason to drink.
Certainly, if you’re a Moslem, don’t violate your culture and conscience. (Also, you should accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior – but it’s not really my job to harass you on that. Our Moslem bros are capable of making their own decisions, and they know my views on Jesus. I’m not going to badger them. Shoutout, bros – #FreePalestine.)

The matter at hand is: I’ve had a feeling, created by feminist society, that the amount I drink must be a problem, and that I should be doing something else to deal with my personal dread. I now realize that there is no problem with this coping strategy. It is not causing me problems. It helps with my work.
The problems alcohol has caused for me have been related to drunkenness, when I’ve done things I shouldn’t have. But I now understand the Christian definition of drunkenness, and I avoid it like the plague. If I’m out with people, and they’re drinking a lot, they don’t notice that when I’m reaching my threshold, I start ordering non-alcoholic beverages, or simply start nursing my drinks. Even when people are trying to cheers you, you can just take a very small sip.
This is not something that is hard to control. You might think it is hard to control, and maybe it is harder for you to control than it is for me, but if you are compelled to drunkenness, you are behaving irresponsible, and should change your behavior. If you think not drinking at all is the only way to solve it, and you think you can survive that, then hey – I’m not your dad.
In my experience, when people are drinking too much and so they decide to stop drinking completely, that lasts at best six weeks, and then they are back to totally irresponsible drinking. When I have counseled people who are drinking too much, I tell them “you should drink less.” I do not tell them they have a disease and have to never have a drink for the rest of their lives (official position of AA).
The piece of advice I give men having this problem is to measure the amount of alcohol they feel comfortable drinking in one day in a separate jar, and only drink that much. So, if you’re comfortable drinking five shots a day, pour five shots into a jar, and say “this is how much I’m going to drink today.” When people do this, a psychological thing happens, where they sometimes don’t even drink all of it, because they are worried about running out.
If you are drinking a whole lot, you can also taper. If you’re drinking 15 shots a day, load the daily limit jar up with 12 shots, and then slowly reduce it. I only weigh 72 kilos (which I guess is about 145-150 pounds, I don’t really know), so a lot of men weigh more than me, but I would think 8 shots per day is the high end (unless you’re a fat slob, in which case you have other problems you need to deal with).
I do not advise anyone to drink beer, as it is filled with chemicals and estrogen. I don’t really advise whisky either. A couple glasses of red wine a week is okay. However, vodka is the master race of alcohol.
Weekend Binge Drinking

I am totally opposed to weekend binge drinking. I have done it a lot, and it’s never resulted in anything good, and “binge drinking” implies crossing the Christian threshold of drunkenness.
It’s fine to go out in social situations where others are binge drinking, as long as you are capable of controlling your alcohol intake. If you’re not capable, then you should avoid these kinds of social engagements. I think you probably are capable, as long as you commit to it beforehand.
I’m Right
Unfortunately for my detractors, I am, once again, right.
The Bible is clear about the nature of drunkenness.
And history is clear that the temperance movement was an utterly vaginal movement, created by women, who do not like men being able to have their own alone time.
History is also clear that virtually all great men were very regular drinkers.
The current year is clear that everyone in the world drinks more than the vaginalized Anglosphere, and that the Anglosphere engages in the most irresponsible forms of drinking – beer and weekend binge drinking.
Here’s the bottom line: drink responsibly.
And of course, if you don’t need to drink, then don’t.
(Note: I don’t think having a few drinks while driving is “irresponsible,” and I think the MADD bullshit – women again! – is literally communism.)
In conclusion, watch this:
This is great too:
“Drunk driving” laws absolutely are communism.