EU Orders Daily Fine on Hungary Until Orban Allows the Country to be Flooded with Niggers

This isn’t really a lot of money for a state, obviously.

And obviously, Hungary gets a lot of money from the EU, so they’re really just giving them their own money back.

But how is this not an “impasse”?

Hungary is not going to start allowing migrants. If the fine is infinite, and other forms of pressure are put on them, Hungary is going to move to leave the EU and align itself with Russia.

Orban has already been working that angle for a long time.

The Guardian:

Hungary has been ordered to pay a €200m (£169m) fine for its refusal to uphold the rights of asylum seekers in what was described as an “unprecedented” breach of EU law by the bloc’s highest court.

The European court of justice in Luxembourg also ordered Budapest to pay €1m a day until it complies with EU laws guaranteeing refugees the right to claim asylum inside Hungarian borders.

In a major judgment issued on Thursday, the court said Hungary had shown “deliberate evasion” in applying EU policy, which it described as “an unprecedented and exceptionally serious infringement of EU law” and “a significant threat to the unity of EU law and to the principle of equality of the member states”.

The fine was higher than sought by the European Commission, the EU executive, which took Hungary to the Luxembourg court. Judges also identified “aggravating circumstances”, including the repeat behaviour that contributed to the severity of the fine.

Responding to the judgment, the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, described the court’s ruling as “outrageous and unacceptable”, adding: “It seems that illegal migrants are more important to the Brussels bureaucrats than their own European citizens.”

By the way, just so you understand: Orban is the only one of these European right-wingers who is not completely full of shit.

The second best is AfD, and… that organization is run by a female lesbian?

Are the vote cucks really sending their best?

Note: I know I was pretty critical of Orban for a long time, and now I’m saying positive things. No one needs to point that out. I’ve said I was wrong. Though I think my logic was right. Anyway, whatever – I never claimed to be a wizard. Tell me someone who is right more often than me. Seriously, give me a name. Further, I’m not totally the Orban mega-fan. His relationship to American Republicans is very weird, and he’s a vicious Jew-lover. He invites Bibi to speak and all that. Plus he’s fat as hell. So he’s not exactly the ideal right-wing leader. I’m just saying – he’s a lot better than the rest of this gaggle of freaks that is now being promoted as the new saviors of Europe.

I recently saw this shit right here on the Daily Caller (Tucker Carlson’s old site which he no longer owns a stake in – which, by the way, only has 40% more traffic than this site, despite being promoted massively on Facebook and Twitter):

It’s a fascinating article about how the wokies are going brokie and soon really seriously true conservatives will take over Europe through our sacred democracy’s system of voting.

The author uses this Tweet from a totally legitimate Twitter account, which is really, REALLY against the wokies and their wokeist agenda which includes trans competing in women’s sports among other really silly things like fake pronouns:

Seriously, that account, which is obviously run by Jews, is probably more against silly pronouns than any other account on Twitter. I mean, I thought I was against silly pronouns, then I find this guy and I’m like “man, I need to up my game – I am not talking about how silly these pronouns are nearly enough.”

Anyway, the Daily Caller piece closes with this:

This all paints a none-too-flattering picture of the doomsayers supposedly on “our side.” Europe is not lost, and viral videos aside, there were never really signs to suggest it was. These nationalist movements, heavily suppressed by technocratic meddling, have been bubbling just below the surface for quite some time. So the question then becomes: what possible motivation could these so-called nationalist conservatives have for selling us a message of decline and despair? The answer, whether it be cynical engagement farming or something far more nefarious, cannot be good. Your political allies want to communicate a message that uplifts; your enemies want you demoralized.

Is that… targeted at me directly?

(Again, not to brag, but I’m a direct competitor to the Daily Caller, and if it wasn’t for my last domain change, I’d be beating them.)

We’d be beating them.

We’re a team here.

You’re all on the team because you are all my personal parasocial friends.

Anyway, the writer in question is supposedly one “Gage Klipper.”

I don’t know if that name sounds Jewish or just fake, but his profile pic looks gay AND Jewish.

He doesn’t have a Twitter account.

You can email him though.

I said, “lemme check this author’s other articles real quick…”

Immediately I find…

An article defending slaughtering hundreds of innocent people to free four hostages!

So, just so you understand, that is the vote cuck movement.

Don’t trust anyone who tells you to vote.

This all paints a none-too-flattering picture of the vote shills supposedly on “our side.” Voting in a modern democracy is pointless. These Jewish and homosexual conservatives movements, heavily promoted on social media algorithms, have been spammed everywhere for quite some time. So the question then becomes: what possible motivation could these so-called nationalist conservatives have for selling us a message of voting for Jew-loving homos as a solution to the existential crisis of Western civilization? The answer, whether it be cynical engagement farming or something far more nefarious, cannot be good. Your political allies want to communicate a message that uplifts; your enemies want you voting like gay retards.