The media succeeded in fomenting the narrative that anyone who is opposed to man-on-man anal is an evil bigot.
Then, all of a sudden, children became the center-point of the homosexual movement.
Homosexuals did not acknowledge that the focus had changed from “consenting adults” to “children in public schools,” instead pretending that the gay movement had always been focused on kids, and that this new pushback happened at random.
On May 12, the library coordinator for Pennsylvania’s Central Bucks School District sent an email to colleagues that some conservative parents and Christian advocacy groups had long prayed to see.
The email instructed school library staff to remove all copies of two books within 24 hours: “Gender Queer”, a graphic memoir by Maia Kobabe that includes cartoons of sexual encounters; and “This Book is Gay” by Juno Dawson, a guidebook with illustrations intended for LGBT students who feel overlooked by standard sex education curriculums.
They were being removed under a new book-challenge policy enacted last July by the Republican majority on the school district’s board of directors after a series of grueling public meetings that have divided the wealthy district north of Philadelphia. Under the policy, a parent can challenge a book in a school library if it depicts implied or actual nudity or “sexual acts” and a committee of district staff then reviews it.
Pulling the two books, both reviled by conservatives around the country, was another hyper-local victory in a broader national effort nurtured by Christian conservative groups to expand parents’ direct control over what school staff can share with their children, particularly on matters of sex, identity and race. Liberal groups say the effort amounts to censorship and even bigotry, with disproportionate harm to LGBT students and those in other minority groups.
Similar battles have unfolded across the country since the COVID-19 pandemic’s mask mandates and school closures turned school boards into some of the most fiery crucibles of U.S. political debate.
“What Bucks County has become is really this microcosm of the division that we see across the country, where people on both sides are so sure that they’re right,” said Tabitha Dell’Angelo, one of the three Democrats on the school board who voted against the policy.
According to two people involved in the drafting of Policy 109.2, it was written with advice and legal counsel from Christian non-profit organizations allied with the influential national group the Family Research Council, which advocates for religious freedoms and against LGBT rights.
Dana Hunter, a Republican and the chair of the school board, said she sought advice from Jeremy Samek, senior counsel at the Independence Law Center and the Pennsylvania Family Institute. Because Samek’s groups offered legal counsel on Policy 109.2 on a pro bono basis, Hunter said, she was under no obligation to inform other board members that she was working with him.
Two board members said they and the other Democrat on the board were not aware of the extent of those groups’ involvement until they were informed by Reuters.
I actually agree with homosexuals that if homosexuality is normal and natural, then you should be teaching it to children in the same way you teach heterosexuality.
People will say “oh well, we don’t teach heterosexuality to children,” but you actually do. Fairy tales involve heterosexual messaging.
Most children’s media has some degree of sexual content, if we define “sexual” as “intimate physical and emotional relationship driven by reproductive impulse.”
Obviously, the homosexuals want to show little kids actual porn and teach them how to perform sexual acts, and that is different in degree than the Prince kissing Snow White.
It’s not categorically different, however – if we accept that homosexuality is not categorically different from heterosexuality.
Basically, by acquiescing to “tolerance,” the people now complaining about faggots coming for their children set themselves up for it.
I’m glad the Catholics are coming in to organize things. Most Evangelical churches now fly the anal flag.